Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Follow ‘eatie’ in journey to Hong Kong’s first ‘eativerse’

  • Written by eatie
HONG KONG SAR - Media OutReach[1] - 5 December 2022 - Hong Kong's first metaverse combining good food and games has gone live! The O+O (online plus offline) community 'eativerse' is where gastronome-players roam freely between the real and the virtual to Eat · Play · Earn in a rewarding experience peppered with fun-drenched missions and challenges, new yet surreal world of gastronomy transcending physical and digital limits unfolds before your eyes!

Please find press materials (high-resolution images and press releases) under the below link:[2]

Native to eativerse is a group of 'eatie', with an insatiable appetite and the matching appearance of a 'walking stomach'. This adventurous community of curious and hungry souls has a constant craving for fun and good food. Their leader, Chef eatie (see image), strives to bring all gastronomic finds from the real world to eativerse, driving home the vision of 'ultimate satiation' with all players through 'play, collect, make, earn' missions in a fun & food journey filled with delightful surprises.

Login to the dedicated eatie mobile app and plunge into eativerse with immersive AR surroundings and collect eaticoins with a touch on the floating ingredients as you navigate on the map of your screen. Players may also take up three 30-second mini games to directly win virtual ingredients to create dishes in the virtual restaurants shaped in cute and playful food items.

Chef eatie will release 'eatie Challenge' on a weekly or daily basis for players to compete and achieve personal goals. Those who come off victorious in specified missions will get rewards to enjoy in the real world.

Soak up the immersive O+O experience in eativerse by scanning dedicated QR codes at over 300 physical shops around town to unlock rare ingredients or objects, accessible only through a brick-and-mortar environment. This 'check-in' also helps to speed up the preparation time for signature dishes in virtual kitchens, with delicious rewards up for grabs through completion of missions that go between the real and the virtual!

Meanwhile, stay tuned for 5,000 unique Hungry eatie NFTs and game interactions coming on stream to enrich eativerse! Follow[3] on Instagram to discover more about the exciting Play to Earn experience in eativerse and its latest updates.

Calling gastronomes and mobile game enthusiasts! Download 'eatie' App and venture into the miltiversal journey through eativerse now!

Hashtag: #eatie

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (
  3. ^ (

Authors: eatie

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