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The Times Real Estate


2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival in Taipei

  • Written by Tourism Bureau
TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Media OutReach[1] - 7 February 2023 - The "2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival" is the first major large-scale international tourism event after the relaunch of inbound tourism in Taiwan, with the iconic event returning to Taipei after a 23-year absence.

Main Visuals for 2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival

As an "urban lantern festival" set in vast area spanning 168 hectares in the heart of Taipei City, this year's Lantern Festival is themed on "Light Up the Future" and features four major display zones, as well as Lantern Display Zones in 12 city districts. The Taipei MRT connects visitors to lantern displays in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei 101, and the busiest shopping districts in Taipei, showcasing more than 300 displays of lantern works that integrate projection, AR and VR technologies. The works are spread across high-rise buildings and city alleys, ingeniously merging the lantern festival with Taipei City and offering a magical visual extravaganza!

The main lantern is installed at Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and is designed by renowned artist Akibo Lee, creating the first robot-shaped hi-tech Jade Hare main lantern work. The theme concept was inspired by Taiwan's standout semiconductor industry, with the work harnessing a number of digital technologies and other special effects. The Golden Melody award-winning musician George Chen was invited to compose the theme song for the main lantern, featuring uplifting music and digital motion pictures. What's more, Jade Hare will change effects based on the lineup of exciting programs. The event will see Taiwanese Olympic gold medalist Hsing-Chun Kuo perform vivid expressions for the Jade Hare through facial motion capture technology. The performance symbolizes the vitality of Taiwan's freedom and democracy, and shows the infinite possibilities of the country's future.

The Tourism Bureau of Taiwan noted that the "2023 Taiwan Lantern Festival" is the first large-scale international event in Taiwan in the post-pandemic era, and is hoped to attract foreign visitors to join in on the fun! In addition to the lantern festival, the Taiwan Tourism Bureau is also launching a "Buy One Get One Free Ticket for High Speed Rail" ([2]) travel voucher offer for Korean visitors to experience the diverse attractions of southern and central Taiwan.

Hashtag: #TourismBureau

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  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Tourism Bureau

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