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How 18F transformed government technology − and why its elimination matters

  • Written by Kayla Schwoerer, Assistant Professor of Public Administration & Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York
How 18F transformed government technology − and why its elimination matters, the government health insurance marketplace website, launched in October 2013 only to buckle under the weight[1] of just 2,000 simultaneous users. As millions of Americans stared at error messages and frozen screens, a political crisis unfolded, but so did a new era of government technology.

The result was 18F, an in-house digital services consulting agency that brought Silicon Valley expertise to government, challenging decades of outdated procurement practices and introducing a radical new approach to building digital public services.

Founded on March 19, 2014, by Presidential Innovation Fellows[2], 18F was housed within the Technology Transformation Services[3] department of the General Services Administration, or GSA. The name 18F was derived from the address of GSA headquarters: 1800 F Street. On March 1, 2025, just a few weeks shy of 18F’s 11th anniversary, the Trump administration eliminated the agency[4] and laid off its staff.

As a researcher who studies public administration and technology[5], I have observed the transformational role 18F played in government digital services. The unit’s elimination raises the question of what the future of those services will look like.

Impact of 18F

18F served a unique role as an in-house digital consultancy for the U.S. government, drawing on innovative strategies to improve public service through technology. Within 18F, teams consisting of designers, software engineers, strategists and product managers worked together with federal, state and local agencies to not only fix technical problems but to build, buy and share technology that helped to modernize and improve the public’s experience with government services.

Over nearly 11 years, 18F built an impressive portfolio of successful digital projects that transformed how people interact with the U.S. government. Even if the average person is unfamiliar with 18F, the odds are quite high that they have at least encountered one of its many products or services.

18F staff describe the group’s mission and work.

For example, 18F supported the Internal Revenue Service in creating IRS Direct File, a free online tax filing tool that provides taxpayers with a simplified filing process. As of today, IRS Direct File is available in 25 states[6] and is expected to serve 30 million[7] eligible taxpayers during the 2025 tax filing season.

18F has been pivotal in modernizing and securing digital systems to help create more streamlined and secure user experiences for the public. For instance,[8] is a secure single sign-on platform that simplifies access to multiple government services for users.

Perhaps the most notable of 18F’s modernization efforts that touches nearly every aspect of government today is the U.S. Web Design System[9]. The comprehensive design system was developed in collaboration with the U.S. Digital Service[10] in 2015. It helps support dozens of agencies and makes nearly 200 websites[11] more accessible and responsive to user needs.

How 18F worked

What set 18F apart was its approach. Rather than spending years on giant information technology contracts that often failed to deliver, 18F championed agile development[12]. Agile and lean methodologies have been popular in Silicon Valley startups and software companies for decades due to their flexibility and focus on rapid iteration.

By applying agile development principles, 18F focused on breaking down large projects into manageable pieces with incremental improvements based on frequent user feedback. This approach allowed continuous adaptation spurred by user feedback and changing requirements while reducing risk.

Another cornerstone of 18F’s innovative approach was its focus on user-centered design[13]. By focusing on the needs of the people who actually used government services, 18F was able to go beyond merely satisfying technical requirements to design digital products that were more accessible and user-friendly. The idea was to understand the end users and the problems they encountered in order to effectively design products and solutions that addressed their needs. It also aimed to provide a consistent user experience and earn the users’ trust in the services.

By prioritizing open-source development and collaboration, 18F also helped to make government IT more affordable. Making project code transparent meant that agencies could reuse the code and reduce the cost of duplicate development efforts across agencies and levels of government.

18F also had a hand in helping agencies develop their own technology capacity, whether by teaching them how to build software using open-source development and agile methodologies or by teaching agencies how to hire and oversee technology vendors themselves. This model was especially beneficial for state and local agencies following 18F’s expansion[14] in 2016 to provide services to state and local government agencies that receive federal funding.

End of an era

The elimination of 18F marks the end of an era, raising concerns about both current and future technology projects. As of now, there does not appear to be a succession plan, leaving many federal agencies without ongoing support[15] for their digital transformation efforts. Critics also argue that the loss of 18F means the loss of significant technical expertise[16] within the government.

These changes come at a time when agencies are experiencing substantial personnel shifts, rendering digital services potentially even more critical. As agencies brace for more personnel cuts, the public may need to rely more on digital services to fill the gap amid growing staffing shortages.

Since the news was announced, current and former 18F team members as well as advocates of the unit have taken to social media platforms, including X (formerly Twitter), Bluesky[17], and LinkedIn, to share stories of its successes, honor its legacy and share 18F resources[18].


  1. ^ buckle under the weight (
  2. ^ Presidential Innovation Fellows (
  3. ^ Technology Transformation Services (
  4. ^ eliminated the agency (
  5. ^ studies public administration and technology (
  6. ^ available in 25 states (
  7. ^ expected to serve 30 million (
  8. ^ (
  9. ^ U.S. Web Design System (
  10. ^ U.S. Digital Service (
  11. ^ nearly 200 websites (
  12. ^ agile development (
  13. ^ user-centered design (
  14. ^ 18F’s expansion (
  15. ^ without ongoing support (
  16. ^ loss of significant technical expertise (
  17. ^ Bluesky (
  18. ^ share 18F resources (

Authors: Kayla Schwoerer, Assistant Professor of Public Administration & Policy, University at Albany, State University of New York

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