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FlexRule Hosting 'Automated Decisions to Streamline Claim Process in Practice' Workshop

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
FlexRule Hosting 'Automated Decisions to Streamline Claim Process in Practice' Workshop

MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- FlexRule®, a leading End-to-End Decision Management and Automation Suite, will host a workshop explaining how to significantly improve the insurance claim process with automated decisions.

As insurance companies address volatile market conditions, changing laws and regulations, and rising customer expectations, there's a growing urgency to increase business agility and the ability to quickly update business rules, data sources, machine learning models, and the orchestration needed to make quality decisions faster.

"The problem we see time and time again, from the initial review through adjudication, verification, and the final payment stage, is that rules and decisions are spread across an overly complicated set of systems, processes, and teams. They become hard to update, error-prone, and even relatively small changes become a major IT project to manage. The good news is that you can use a solution like FlexRule to streamline the whole claim lifecycle and update rules and decisions in days and not weeks," said Arash Aghlara, CEO of FlexRule.

During the workshop, Arash will explain how to improve every stage of the claims process with automated decisions.

The workshop will cover:

  • The pains and challenges caused by delays in claim processing
  • The approach to take to streamline the insurance claims processing lifecycle
  • Hands-on demonstration of automating decisions for claim settlements

The workshop will also interest those in other industries who want to see how Decision Management and Automation work in practice.

Workshop Details

A recording of the workshop will be made available to those who are registered but not able to attend.

About FlexRule®

FlexRule® is an end-to-end Decision Management and Automation suite that empowers organizations to improve the speed and quality of critical business decisions in changing environments.

FlexRule® provides both an advanced Decision Management and Automation suite and methodology called DECISION-CENTRIC APPROACH® to guide organizations through the journey of adapting to changing business requirements with effective and efficient decision automation solutions. With an innovative and future-thinking approach, FlexRule® advanced decision management suite reduces the complexity of technology and makes these advanced decision-making technologies more accessible to everyone in the organization.

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Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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