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Revolutionizing Electronics Purchasing: Glow Services Corp to offer Samsung Electronics Australia customers new flexible payment terms

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
Revolutionizing Electronics Purchasing: Glow Services Corp to offer Samsung Electronics Australia customers new flexible payment terms

SYDNEY, Feb. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Glow Services Corp is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking solution with Samsung Electronics Australia, heralding a new era in electronics financing for Australian consumers.

Starting 14 February, Samsung Australia e-store customers can enjoy the convenience of purchasing top-of-the-line electronics, including mobile phones, TVs, and computers, with 0% financing options over 12 or 24 months. What sets this initiative apart is that customers will no longer be tethered to traditional credit card schemes, eliminating cumbersome application processes and avoiding exorbitant admin fees and interest rates prevalent in the current market.

Glow is building the Telecom vertical cloud, empowering mobile operators, OEMs, and consumer electronics retailers with cutting-edge digital tools. With the integration of Glow technology, Samsung Australia is streamlining the purchasing experience by offering a deferred payment solution on check-out that is easily accessible, with instant approval. This innovative approach not only simplifies the buying process, but also empowers consumers with greater flexibility and control over their purchases.

Christiaan Ross, CEO of Glow, expressed enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, "We are excited to bring to Australia the benefits of the service that Samsung Electronics have been enjoying via our UK programme for the last 3 years. We believe this innovative approach by Samsung will change the way we purchase our electronics."

"With Samsung, we have created the most innovative device financing programme in Australia. We have very high hopes," said Andrew Cole, the Glow Executive Chairman.

Commenting on the introduction of Glow technology services to Samsung Australia customers, Chris Hatfield, Head of Direct to Consumer at Samsung Electronics Australia said "At Samsung, we're committed to continued innovation and evolving our products and services to meet consumers changing needs. With Glow, we are thrilled to introduce this new financing option, which reflects our dedication to enhancing customer experiences, and provides customer's flexibility, that is critical in the current macro-economic climate."

For more information about the integration of Glow's solutions in Samsung Electronics Australia's e-store (and soon in store as well), visit Samsung Australia's official website ( or contact Glow Services Corp directly.

About Glow Services Corp: Glow is a trailblazer in digital solutions for the telecommunications and consumer electronics industries. Leveraging advanced technology and industry expertise, Glow enables clients to drive digital success and enhance customer engagement through innovative financing, insurance, and trade-in/circular economy solutions.

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Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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