Asian Spectator

ANICAV advocate the importance of legumes in the Australian diet as the days get colder

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
ANICAV advocate the importance of legumes in the Australian diet as the days get colder

SYDNEY, Feb. 29, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As autumn creeps into Australia and temperatures begin to drop, the Legumes From Europe project, together with ANICAV, strengthens its commitment to promoting the importance and benefits of legumes in the nation's typical diet.

ANICAV advocate the importance of legumes in the Australian diet as the days get colder For this reason we invite all food enthusiasts who are looking for a healthy and active lifestyle to follow the project's social channels and search for posts with the hashtag #legumesfromeurope to discover fun facts, production methods and, most of all, so many tasty and practical recipes, that can also help you save money!

The autumn season, characterized by a cooler climate, marks a transition in eating habits, making legumes an essential element in the preparation of nutritious and comforting dishes, with authentic and genuine flavours. Without forgetting that Easter is coming.

Chickpeas, lentils, beans and peas not only represent a fundamental nutritional resource, but also have a cultural and traditional meaning at Easter time: for many Australian communities, the arrival of the Easter holiday symbolises celebration and sharing, and introducing legumes offers a healthy, sustainable and versatile solution to enrich both festive and everyday meals.

Consequently, Legumes from Europe and ANICAV want to encourage Australian consumers to embrace the essence of canned legumes, both as an integral part of the diet to better cope with the colder climate, and as an essential ingredient for Easter celebrations.

On our website you can discover the vast range of Legumes from Europe products available, and many recipe ideas ranging from main courses to side dishes, hot soups to appetizers and even desserts, to enrich each dish with taste and nutritional benefits and experiment with new culinary traditions.

Providing high quality products that meet the specific needs of the Australian market and that always guarantee maximum freshness, convenience and versatility is the goal of the Legumes from Europe project and ANICAV.

Nature's Pearls. Easy to Cook, Bursting with Health!

About ANICAV:ANICAV is the National Association of Canned Vegetables Industries; with over 90 member companies, it is the largest representative association of vegetable-canning companies in the world.To discover all the activities planned until the end of 2023, follow us on www.legumesfromeurope.comand

Enjoy. It's from Europe! 

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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