Asian Spectator

Maiden satellite launch marks new era of Mongolian space industry

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
  • Two low-orbit nano satellites, built by Mongolian company Ondo Space, launched aboard SpaceX's Falcon-9 rocket.
  • Mongolian Government to develop a 'sandbox' for space industry, offering policy support and flexible regulatory environment for testing and R&D.
  • Launch marks historic milestone in Mongolia's ambitious national space and digital economy programme.

ULAANBAATAR, Mongolia, March 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mongolia becomes the latest country to enter the global space industry with the launch of its first satellites today, ushering in new era of innovation and investment for the nation's burgeoning tech sector.

Two low-earth-orbit nano satellites were successfully launched into space aboard Space-X's Falcon-9 rocket from the company's Vandenberg Space Force Base launch site in California on 4th March 2023.

The Cubesat satellites, named Ondosat-Owl-1 and Ondosat-Owl-2, were built by Mongolian company Ondo Space and successfully completed rigorous space environmental testing at the Kyushu Institute of Technology in Japan.

The Government of Mongolia has also announced it will establish a 'space sandbox' to support the continued growth of the domestic space sector. This comprehensive new framework will provide regulatory and policy support for companies to conduct testing and R&D in Mongolia while making use of the country's newly enhanced connectivity and competitive talent pool.

The dual satellite network and space sandbox will position Mongolia as a high-value investment and research destination for global companies across the space and technology sectors.

Prime Minister of Mongolia, L. Oyun-Erdene, commented:

"Mongolia's historic achievement in sending a man to space in 1981 laid the foundation for today's momentous occasion, showcasing the swift advancement of our domestic space endeavors. This milestone marks just the beginning of our journey towards cultivating a vibrant domestic space industry.

With a meticulously crafted policy framework, Mongolia aspires to emerge as a leading global center for space technology innovation and research."

Mongolia Minister of Digital Development and Communications, Mr. Uchral Nyam-Osor, commented:  

"Mongolia presents immense potential for businesses in this dynamic and rapidly expanding sector. Introducing a regulatory 'sandbox' within a comprehensive legislative framework aimed at facilitating the business landscape for cutting-edge technologies will ensure that the government actively fosters ongoing growth and innovation across key domains such as the space economy, artificial intelligence, iOT, and other emerging technologies.

Leveraging its amicable relations with key stakeholders in the space economy, Mongolia also aims to cultivate its talent pool to strengthen its position in the global landscape."

Ondo Space Founder and President, Mr. Anar Chinbaatar, commented:

"We are thrilled to be part of this historic moment for the country as we launch our first ever Mongolian satellite into orbit. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team, as well as the support of the Mongolian government in advancing our capabilities in space technology.

The Mongolian Government is also currently in discussions with SpaceX to explore options to launch the first country's first high-orbit national satellite, currently under construction by French company Thales Alenia Space, is the latest milestone in the Mongolian Government's ambitious and wide-ranging programme to develop a domestic space economy.

Enabling digital transformation across Mongolia is one of the central pillars of the Government's Vision 2050 and New Recovery Policy. It continues strengthening partnerships with G7 countries to explore space-related cooperation opportunities for peaceful purposes.

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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