Asian Spectator

MAV Systems: AiQ - No limits to recognition

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

KENT, England, March 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The launch of the new AiQ Advanced Intelligence ALPR camera offers more than just plate recognition, it eradicates the limitations that have previously faced ALPR cameras and has opened a wealth of visual data mapping and target detection that set new performance standards.

MAV Systems: AiQ - No limits to recognition The new AiQ ALPR camera recognises more than just plates

After 2 years of research and testing, MAV systems have now launched the AiQ to eagerly awaiting system integrators and solution partners who have sought enhanced ALPR technology. With the ability to identify illegal, masked and even 'ghost' plates even in poor weather and lighting conditions; the AiQ has changed the narrative around what is possible.

Boasting full colour and IR capture including automatic 'best match' functionality, vehicle pathway tracking, zero light performance, international license plate coverage, vehicle count and classification, all with low power usage, the AiQ offers an AI capable open platform camera that offers immediate and enhanced development solutions.

Of the AiQ, Steve Walker, Managing Director of MAV Systems said:

"Working so closely with our partners across multiple sectors allows us to identify development possibilities that will offer true benefits. ALPR technology has always been limited by vehicle owners trying to evade plate capture but the AiQ has been designed to address these evasion techniques."

Offering solutions for parking management, law enforcement, ITS and civil enforcement, including MTO systems, the AiQ has been built for the changing world of driver behaviour. Built to offer enhanced performance quality and accuracy, the AiQ is not limited to simply plate recognition. Generating multiple data streams through efficient vehicle mapping, classification and pathway tracking; data compression and split-sends via separated communication channels allows system developers the opportunity to refine data collation across application specific solutions.

Steve continued:

"The new features and opportunities offered by the AiQ are numerous but the purpose of its design is to meet the growing needs of technology partners looking for more efficient solutions for accurate data generation. The best way that system developers can witness the true value of the AiQ is to test it for themselves."

With trials carried out across multiple sectors, MAV systems are confidently launching the AiQ knowing it has the capability to meet the requirements of system integrators and partners worldwide. With a plan to support further partnerships across the UK and international markets in the development of the most accurate and effective ALPR systems, the AiQ will soon be core to the advancement of a wide-range of solutions across the world.

MAV Systems -, +44 333 800 3050


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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