Asian Spectator

ACE Money Transfer Announces Its Much-Anticipated Salam Bangladesh Campaign with Bigger Prizes This Ramadan

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
ACE Money Transfer Announces Its Much-Anticipated Salam Bangladesh Campaign with Bigger Prizes This Ramadan

MANCHESTER, England, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- A growing UK-based remittance service provider, ACE Money Transfer, is delighted to announce its renowned promotion, 'Salam Bangladesh,' this time with bigger prizes in line with the Bangladeshi government's 2.5% incentives on foreign remittances to promote the use of regulated channels.

ACE Money Transfer Announces Salam Bangladesh Campaign Again This Ramadan ACE Money Transfer Announces Salam Bangladesh Campaign Again This Ramadan

The company is giving away eight new iPhone 15 Pro and 50 cash prizes of BDT 20,000 each to Bangladeshi customers across the UK, European Union countries, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. This promotion is open to all customers who will send money to Bangladesh through ACE Money Transfer throughout Ramadan 2024.

Despite a colossal 7.69% surge in remittance during the past 7 months, recording over $2.1 billion in January and February 2024, the new year began with a foreign exchange crisis for Bangladesh. The World Bank projects that the overall remittance inflows to Bangladesh in FY24 are expected to remain flat at $23 billion. Several Economists and other Financial experts attribute the flat ratio of remittances to the weak dollar exchange rates that have driven Bangladeshi diasporas towards using unregulated channels like Hawala/Hundi.

ACE Money Transfer has stepped forward to promote the use of regulated channels to drive increased remittance inflows to Bangladesh. The firm believes that alongside the government's 2.5% incentive, its much-anticipated 'Salam Bangladesh' promotion will significantly help stimulate the remittance inflows to Bangladesh.

Customers can win the said prizes by sending remittances to Bangladesh via ACE Money Transfer throughout Ramadan 2024. Bangladeshi expats will need to use the code 'BANGLA' to register their entries to the lucky draws when creating remittance transactions via ACE Money Transfer.

Mr Rashid Ashraf, CEO of ACE Money Transfer, says, "We stand committed to empowering Bangladeshi overseas workers through cutting-edge digital remittance solutions. With deep gratitude for the tireless efforts of our global Bangladeshi diaspora, we pledge unwavering support, delivering excellence in service and rewarding experiences."

About ACE Money Transfer

ACE Money Transfer, based out of Manchester, the UK, is a growing remittance provider. It offers impeccable online money transfer services to millions of Pakistani expatriates with an extensive network of 375,000+ locations spread across 100+ countries worldwide.

Visit: ACE Money Transfer


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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