Asian Spectator

The Future of Telehealth Relies on Seamless UC C Monitoring

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
The Future of Telehealth Relies on Seamless UC C Monitoring
  • IR launches a healthcare bundle to meet the demands of proactive communication monitoring in healthcare organizations.

SYDNEY, June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- IR (ASX:IRI), a leading provider of global performance management and analytics for Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C), has announced a healthcare bundle to maintain fault-free communication, in response to mission-critical requirements in healthcare organizations.

The healthcare industry has experienced a significant technological shift due to the proliferation of telehealth or telemedicine services since the COVID-19 pandemic. The global telehealth market size[1] was estimated at USD 101.2 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3% from 2024 to 2030.

IR has extensive experience working with many large healthcare providers globally.  The healthcare offering from IR covers Unified Communication (UC) and Contact Center (CC) monitoring. This flexible solution ensures optimal customer experience even if customers migrate to UCaaS, offering ongoing system monitoring and active testing to ensure optimal customer experience. With advanced remote worker flexibility, the bundle includes robust troubleshooting to maintain high-quality performance, regardless of location.

"Over 70% of millennials prefer telehealth visits to in-person examinations as per a GlobalMed[2] study," said John Ruthven, CEO and Managing Director of IR. "The widespread adoption of UC&C tools presents both opportunities and risks for healthcare providers. Any technical glitches can negatively impact patient experiences, operational efficiencies, and ultimately, patient outcomes.  The launch of the healthcare bundle from IR ensures comprehensive monitoring capabilities to maintain high-quality performance for these healthcare organizations."

Healthcare depends heavily on video and audio calls for virtual meetings, multidisciplinary consultations, and collaborative decision-making.

Healthcare organizations now navigate hybrid ecosystems incorporating numerous platforms alongside contact centers and electronic health record systems. This complexity is compounded by the expansive modern workplace, spanning traditional offices and remote settings.

Deploying a multi-vendor UC&C monitoring solution is paramount to address potential issues across disparate platforms before they escalate.

For more information on the impact of UC&C on Digital Healthcare, visit


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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