Asian Spectator


  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

Australian security company to bring $3 million revenue, expanded investigations focus and national reach to Pinkerton Australia

ANN ARBOR, Mich., July 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Pinkerton, a global provider of comprehensive risk management services and solutions, announced today the acquisition of Verifact Investigations, an Australian company specializing in investigations with operations across the country. This strategic acquisition will allow Pinkerton to expand services to new clients across Australia and bolster its investigative capabilities.

"Verifact Investigations has a proven track record of more than 30 years of operating across Australia. Verifact's team of skilled professionals and deep roots in the insurance investigations space makes it an ideal complement to Pinkerton's investigations and risk work in Australia," said Adam Chambers, managing director for Pinkerton's Asia Pacific South unit. "We will leverage the national reach, experienced personnel, expansive network and dedicated investigation expertise added by this acquisition to deliver an even greater value to our current and future clients across Australia."

"As Verifact joins Pinkerton, a longtime leader in the security space, our clients will benefit from the resources and experience of this global company, as well as their expertise in risk management and beyond," said Verifact owner Dan Crowley.

The acquisition will provide Pinkerton with experienced employees and a vast network of contacts across the country, as well as a portfolio of customers across the legal, insurance and retail industries. As Pinkerton continues to expand its offerings in Australia, the company is focused on growing its insurance investigations, on-site risk assessment and executive protection service lines.

To learn more about Pinkerton, please visit

About Pinkerton

Since 1850, Pinkerton has brought expertise that extends beyond conducting best-in-class investigations. We help deter and reduce threats by formulating high-level security strategies and plans. Our global network offers a single source for your risk management and security needs — investigations, risk consulting and protection — whether strategic or tactical, incident-driven or full-time with embedded subject matter experts. This empowers us to continuously assess the risk to your people and places, design high-level security strategies and deliver the right solution for you, anywhere in the world, 24/7/365.

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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