Asian Spectator

Talent Technology Company Cappfinity Launches New Product - 'Skills Discovery'

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

LONDON, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The skills-based Talent Acquisition and Management company Cappfinity is proud to launch its new workforce mapping platform, Skills Discovery. This new skills platform extends Cappfinity's end-to-end people management proposition by offering actionable skills intelligence across organisations and educational institutions. Individuals complete a rigorous skills survey resulting in an insightful report and meaningful development content. Managers are provided with a skills language and insights that empower powerful career conversations and internal talent mobility. Organisations have access to a real-time dashboard showing skills distribution data that is configurable by employee category and information.

Co-CEO Alex Linley remarked 'We know our clients have been wanting to simply understand what skills they have where in their organisations. Research shows 90% of organisations want to become skill-based but are struggling to know how and where to start. We are excited that our Skills Discovery product helps companies quickly and practically with this overwhelming challenge'.

The Skills Discovery tool leverages cutting edge technology and the latest science and research around the valid and reliable measurement of skills. Celine Floyd, Chief Proposition Officer, says 'We are privileged to have early adopter clients across aviation, recruitment, financial services and higher education – with collectively 6,000 completions of Skills Discovery within the platform so far. We have heard unequivocally the huge impact it has had in terms of skills data provision, improving awareness of employee potential, manager upskilling, talent mobility, speed of promotions, talent spotting and career pathways. We look forward to seeing the global growth in this offering'.

To learn more about skills discovery please visit

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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