Asian Spectator

Why massive new youth sports facilities may not lead to the tourist boom many communities hope for when they build them

  • Written by Richard Buning, Senior Lecturer in Tourism, School of Business, The University of Queensland
Why massive new youth sports facilities may not lead to the tourist boom many communities hope for when they build themGrand Park, a multi-use sporting facility in Westfield, Ind., was built to lure youth sports competitions and tourists to the region.AP Photo/Michael Conroy

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.

The big idea

Parents who travel with their kids to compete in regional sports tournaments tend to be too focused on the...


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Rapor merah reformasi hukum peradilan pidana Jokowi, PR untuk Prabowo

Prabowo-Gibran yang pencalonannya sebagai Presiden dan Wakil Presiden memantik kontroversi akan bekerja mulai 20 Oktober 2024.Untuk mengawal pemerintahan mereka, kami menerbitkan edisi khusus #PantauP...

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Prabowo - Gibran yang pencalonannya sebagai presiden dan wakil presiden memantik kontoversi akan bekerja mulai 20 Oktober 2024.Untuk mengawal pemerintahan mereka, kami menerbitkan edisi khusus #Pantau...

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