Asian Spectator

Ethical US consumers struggled to pressure the sugar industry to abandon slavery with less success than their British counterparts

  • Written by Calvin Schermerhorn, Professor of History, Arizona State University
Ethical US consumers struggled to pressure the sugar industry to abandon slavery with less success than their British counterpartsThe enslaved people who produced sugar before the Civil War did dangerous and grueling work.The Print Collector/Getty Images

Twenty-two-year-old Sam Watts saw the Virginia coastline vanish while he was aboard a domestic slave ship in the fall of 1831. Andrew Jackson was president, and slave traders had bought Watts for US$450 (about $14,500 in 2022...


Apakah AI telah meretas sistem operasi peradaban manusia? Peringatan dari Yuval Noah Harari

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Transplantasi rambut makin marak, ketahui risikonya lebih dahulu

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