Asian Spectator

People who are bad with numbers often find it harder to make ends meet – even if they are not poor

  • Written by Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Professor of Public Policy, Psychology and Behavioral Science, USC Sol Price School of Public Policy, USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences
People who are bad with numbers often find it harder to make ends meet – even if they are not poorEven college-educated adults can still struggle with numbers. Prostock-Studio/iStock via Getty Images

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work.

The big idea

People who are bad with numbers are more likely to experience financial difficulties than people who are good with numbers. That’s according to our analyses of the...


Apakah AI telah meretas sistem operasi peradaban manusia? Peringatan dari Yuval Noah Harari

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