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Abortion has been common in the US since the 18th century -- and debate over it started soon after

  • Written by Treva B. Lindsey, Professor of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies, The Ohio State University
Abortion has been common in the US since the 18th century -- and debate over it started soon afterAt New York City's Rockefeller Center, activists hold a series of signs that read 'Legalize Abortion' in March, 1968. Bev Grant/Getty Images

State-by-state battles are heating up in the wake of news that the U.S. Supreme Court appears poised to overrule landmark rulings - Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey - and remove constitutional...


Riset temukan masyarakat cenderung toleran terhadap korupsi. Ini mempersulit pemberantasannya

Ilustrasi pemberian gratifikasiHerwin Bahar/ShutterstockPraktik korupsi terus-menerus terjadi hampir di seluruh lembaga negara, baik di ranah eksekutif, legislatif, maupun yudikatif.Belakangan, kasus ...

Uniknya jargon Ramadan khas Indonesia: Dari ‘munggahan’ hingga ‘ngabuburit’

(Andi Ariesda/Shutterstock)Ramadan membawa banyak pengaruh terhadap berbagai aspek kehidupan kaum muslim, termasuk dalam ragam bahasa dan cara berkomunikasi. Sepanjang bulan suci ini, umat Islam di In...

‘Negara +62’: Kode telepon global yang kini jadi narasi kritik sosial

Salah satu pekerja yang tengah menggelar aksi demonstrasi pada Oktober 2020 di Bandung, Indonesia, untuk menolak Undang-Undang Cipta Kerja.Algi Febri SugitaIstilah “+62” awalnya dikenal se...