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DHL Supply Chain makes strategic appointments in Singapore and Japan clusters

  • Written by DHL Supply Chain
  • Jérôme Gillet named CEO Japan & Korea Cluster and Alfred Goh to take over as CEO Singapore Cluster covering Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines
  • Tandem move of both executives leverages the specializations of both to drive long-term value for customers

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach - 8 February 2022 - DHL Supply Chain (DSC), the world's leading contract logistics provider and a business division under Deutsche Post DHL Group, has made changes in its leadership team in Asia Pacific. Effective 15 February 2022, Jérôme Gillet, currently CEO Singapore Cluster, DSC, has been named CEO Japan and Korea Cluster. Alfred Goh, currently CEO Japan and Korea Cluster, DSC, will take over from Jérôme Gillet as CEO Singapore Cluster, covering Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia.[1]

Jérôme Gillet

Alfred Goh


Both Gillet and Goh are industry veterans who have proven track records spearheading market-leading initiatives in the organization. They will continue to report to Terry Ryan, CEO, APAC, DSC, and remain members of the APAC Management Board. Gillet will relocate to Japan and Goh will move to Singapore.


"The tandem moves of both Alfred and Jerome allow the unique opportunity to leverage the specialized skill sets of two outstanding colleagues to drive further growth in their respective markets," said Terry Ryan, CEO DHL Supply Chain Asia Pacific. "Their focus on customer centricity, detailed operational knowledge and innovative approach to supply chain challenges will help chart new avenues in their respective clusters."


Gillet to accelerate growth with a focus on profitability  in Japan and Korea

Gillet has contributed to the growth and success of the region in his role as CEO, Singapore Cluster.  Under his leadership, the business has become the leading semi-conductor logistics provider. He initiated transformative partnerships with DSSI, a joint venture with JG Summit group, one of the largest transport companies in the Philippines today.


With 22 years of experience in Asia, Gillet began his career at DHL in 2008 as VP, Consumer & Packaging Business Development, DSC, responsible for the APAC region, and subsequently took on added responsibility for the Middle East & Africa region. In 2014, he was appointed as CCO, Asia Pacific, DSC, before assuming his position as CEO, Singapore Cluster, in 2016.


"Under Alfred's leadership in Japan and Korea, he has firmly established the automation and robotics agenda for the organization and delivered strong growth. Building on this strength, I look forward to working with the team to strengthen and expand the cluster  especially in the technology, retail and life science sectors," said JérômeGillet, CEO DHL Supply Chain, Japan Cluster. "


Goh to further digitalization agenda and build strategic growth platforms in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines


Goh is no stranger to the region having started his career with DHL in 2004. Before his role as CEO Japan & Korea Cluster, DSC, he was based in Singapore spearheading the organization's approach to nurture and support emerging global Asian enterprises in his role as  President, Fast Growing Enterprises (FGE) which he held since 2010, and assumed additional responsibilities as Regional Head Customer Solutions & Innovations Asia Pacific in 2017.

He stepped into his role as CEO Japan & Korea Cluster, DSC in 2018. He achieved significant growth through large, transformational deals and progressed APAC's automation and robotics agenda, implementing new technologies for key customers.

"Jerome has been instrumental in establishing strategic partnerships and developing turnkey solutions across Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines," said Alfred Goh, CEO Singapore Cluster, DSC. "I'm excited to return to this dynamic region, and with Indonesia added to the fold, I look forward to continuing our momentum in key sectors such as semiconductor and create strategic growth platforms in ecommerce omni-channel, life sciences and government related offerings in the four countries."



  1. ^ Media OutReach (

Authors: DHL Supply Chain

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