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Costa Rica Turns to Chromalox to Further Decarbonization

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Costa Rica Turns to Chromalox to Further Decarbonization

Pittsburgh, PA, Nov 7, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - In the wake of the 2019 United Nations Climate Summit and being awarded the 2019 Champions of the Earth Award by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Costa Rican Institute of Electricity (ICE) has recognized Chromalox as the preferred partner for utilizing its renewable energy for carbon-free industrial steam and heating applications. On Oct. 24, 2019, Chromalox, in conjunction with the ICE, CFS, and Spirax Sarco, finalized the partnership to utilize electric heating as part of the plan to "decarbonize" the country by 2050. Earlier this year, Costa Rica announced an economy-wide plan to generate 100% of its power from renewable sources.

Costa Rica Turns to Chromalox to Further Decarbonization

Figure 1: Sr. Marco Acuna, Director Corporativo de Energia, ICE

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Last week's event brought together Costa Rica's largest industrial steam and heat users to hear Chromalox present on their electric heating technology, specifically DirectConnect(TM) medium voltage, and teach about the advantages of electric heating over fuel-fired sources. Chromalox's parent company Spirax Sarco also presented on their expertise in steam management and role in Costa Rican steam usage and maintenance. The transition to an electric mobility economy as a part of the nation's decarbonization efforts was also discussed.

The majority of industrial steam and heat currently used in commercial and industrial facilities is generated from burning fossil fuels. Zero-emission steam and heat production provides a critical pathway towards eliminating the nation's emissions over time. For a country that is aiming to run on 100% renewable power, the logical step is to use electricity, and in particular, to leverage DirectConnect(TM) medium voltage heating technology for large industrial applications.

"Chromalox is proud to be part of a movement towards a zero-carbon footprint for Costa Rica," said Christopher Molnar, Vice President of Global Product Marketing and Engineering for Chromalox. "Costa Rica is a global leader in advancing the charge towards a sustainable future. The work we are doing in partnership with both public entities and private industry in Costa Rica paves the way for other nations to follow."


Chromalox is a thermal technology company. We engineer thermal solutions for the world's toughest industrial heating applications. Our Heat Trace segment delivers temperature management solutions for piping systems, valves, and tanks. Our Industrial Heaters and Systems segment delivers process heating solutions for revenue-generating industrial processes, and our Component Technologies segment delivers component heating solutions for industrial equipment manufacturers. Chromalox was founded in 1917 and is headquartered in Pittsburgh, PA, USA.

Media Contact:Julia WeiskopfSmith Brothers

Related FilesChromalox Costa Rica Press Release FINAL.pdf

Related Imagessr-marco-acun-a-director.jpg Marco Acuna, Director Corporativo de Energia, ICESr. Marco Acuna, Director Corporativo de Energia, ICE

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Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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