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Toys Games, Baby Products and Stationery fairs open today

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Toys Games, Baby Products and Stationery fairs open today

HONG KONG, Jan 6, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The first round of Hong Kong Trade Development Council's trade fairs for 2020 kicked off today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair and HKTDC Hong Kong Baby Products Fair, organised by the HKTDC, and the Hong Kong International Stationery Fair, organised by the HKTDC and Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd, run concurrently until 9 January. The fairs feature about 2,950 global exhibitors and showcase a broad selection of smart toys, quality baby products and creative stationery.

Toys Games, Baby Products and Stationery fairs open today

The HKTDC Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair, the HKTDC Hong Kong Baby Products Fair and the Hong Kong International Stationery Fair open today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC). The four-day fairs (6-9 January) feature about 2,950 exhibitors from around the world, attracting global buyers to source in Hong Kong.

Toys Games, Baby Products and Stationery fairs open today

Officiating at this morning's joint opening ceremony are (front row, from left) Lawrence Chan, Chairman of HKTDC Toys Advisory Committee ; Margaret Fong, Executive Director of the HKTDC ; Eliza Lee, Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce, Industry and Tourism) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government; Cui Su Xiang, Director of Asia Tourism Exchange Centre Limited and Pradit Posew, Inspector General from Ministry of Culture (Thailand).

Toys Games, Baby Products and Stationery fairs open today

At the Toys & Games Fair, six group pavilions, including Mainland China, Korea, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom, as well as the "World of Toys" pavilion, featuring mainly European exhibitors, are showcasing the latest toys and games from around the world.

Margaret Fong, HKTDC Executive Director, said: "Under the influence of the Sino-US trade friction, the global economy continues to experience a slowdown. However, there has been some good news in recent days, with a phase one trade deal set to be signed between the United States and Mainland China and overseas markets experiencing a satisfactory retail performance over the festive season. We may see a boost for the short-term exports of Hong Kong products such as toys, while the three fairs highlight the fact that manufacturers are developing smart products and strengthening environmental elements in their products to match market needs. We believe this will help attract more attention from buyers."

Ms Fong said the HKTDC continues to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face up to the current challenges. Extra resources have been allocated to the three fairs to attract new buyers, with more than 200 buying missions bringing 12,000 international buyers to source in Hong Kong, including Toys"R"Us (Hong Kong), Target Australia (Australia) and Kid's Brasil (Brazil).

Smart products in focus at Asia's largest toys fair

The 46th edition of the Hong Kong Toys & Games Fair features more than 2,100 exhibitors from 40 countries and regions, making it the largest event of its kind in Asia, and the second-largest in the world. Six group pavilions, including the mainland, Korea, Spain, Taiwan and the United Kingdom - as well as the "World of Toys" pavilion featuring mainly European exhibitors - showcase the latest toys and games from around the world.

Thematic zones facilitate buyers' sourcing. The highlight Brand Name Gallery features more than 240 renowned brands, including 4M, B. Duck, Eastcolight, Hape, Intex, Kinsmart, Masterkidz, Rastar, Tiny and Welly. Viking Toys, an exhibitor from Sweden, showcases a toy car made from sugar cane, aligning with growing market demand for environmentally friendly concepts. Buyers sourcing smart products can visit the Smart-Tech Toys zone featuring toys and games that incorporate innovative technologies, including the first remote-control building-block Hong Kong Tram from Playable Creation Limited. As educational toys continue to gain in popularity, the fair includes a STREAM Toys Product Display highlighting toys related to science, technology, robotics, engineering, arts and mathematics. The Kidult World highlighted zone showcases toys for grown-ups such as magic items, hobby goods and war-game items, as well as models and figurines.

Toys Industry Conference: retail leaders examine global sales focus

The Hong Kong Toys Industry Conference 2020 will be held tomorrow (7 January) under the theme "Get Powered Up - Opportunities in the Toys Industry". A representative from leading toy retailer Hamleys will share the industry's global sales focus in 2021. A representative from a veteran US toy maker will discuss opportunities in production relocation, while an industry expert from Toy Industries of Europe will talk about product and industry trends in the continent. Other seminars include "Toys Compliance, Testing & Certification", "Toy Safety & Regulations Updates" and "Sneak Peek: Baby Products Trends 20/21".

Baby Products and Stationery Fairs highlight green trend

The 11th Hong Kong Baby Products Fair has attracted over 610 exhibitors from 28 countries and regions, including those featured at group pavilions from Korea and the Hong Kong Children, Babies, Maternity Industries Association. The Brand Name Gallery presents quality environmental baby products from about 40 well-known quality brands, including a sustainable lightweight stroller from Dutch exhibitor Greentom Operations BV and Italian-made 100% natural baby food from Plasmon Baby Food. Exhibitors at the Baby Tech zone display products in the "Health and Safety" category, while Natural Made, a Hong Kong exhibitor in the Feeding, Nursery and Healthcare Products zone, showcases an environmental baby cup made from corn-based polylactic acid (PLA) - a biodegradable plastic that is 100% safe for babies.

The 20th Hong Kong International Stationery Fair welcomes about 220 exhibitors from 10 countries and regions. In line with rising environmental awareness within the industry, a seminar titled "From Green Business to Win Business" will feature Steven Choi, Head of Certification (Hong Kong Green Label Scheme) of the Green Council, who will share tips on ecolabels as an effective marketing tool, while Jason Lau, Consultant, Corporate Sustainability of the Hong Kong Productivity Council, will discuss sustainable approaches through green procurement.

The three fairs are held concurrently with the HKTDC Hong Kong International Licensing Show (6-8 January) to provide a one-stop sourcing platform for buyers, creating more cross-sector business opportunities. The fairs also continue to feature the Small Orders zone with its online transaction platform (, and an on-site business-matching service to facilitate business partnerships and sourcing.

Please download more photos from here.

Hong Kong Toys & Games FairEdition: 46thNo. of Exhibitors: Over 2,100 exhibitors from 40 countries and regionsWebsite: https://hktoyfair.hktdc.comHighlight Products:

Hong Kong Baby Products FairEdition: 11thNo. of Exhibitors: Over 610 exhibitors from 28 countries and regionsWebsite: https://hkbabyfair.hktdc.comHighlight Products:

Hong Kong International Stationery FairEdition: 20thNo. of Exhibitors: Around 220 exhibitors from 10 countries and regionsWebsite: https://hkstationeryfair.comHighlight Products:

HKTDC Media Room:'s trade fairs supporting services:


The Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) is a statutory body established in 1966 to promote, assist and develop Hong Kong's trade. With 50 offices globally, including 13 in Mainland China, the HKTDC promotes Hong Kong as a two-way global investment and business hub. The HKTDC organises international exhibitions, conferences and business missions to create business opportunities for companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in the mainland and international markets. The HKTDC also provides up-to-date market insights and product information via trade publications, research reports and digital news channels. For more information, please visit: Follow us on Twitter @hktdc and LinkedIn.

Contact:Sunny Ng, Tel: +852 2584 4357, Email:
Janet Chan, Tel: +852 2584 4369, Email:

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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