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ACT to Send 10,000 Boxes of Masks to Indonesians in Hong Kong

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

ACT to Send 10,000 Boxes of Masks to Indonesians in Hong Kong

JAKARTA, Feb 8, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The outbreak of coronavirus which began in China now threatens people around the world. While it is unknown how the virus is transmitted and as no treatment has been found, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC). A coordinated international response is required to mitigate it.

ACT to Send 10,000 Boxes of Masks to Indonesians in Hong Kong

Roughly 265,000 of our Indonesian countrymen in Hong Kong need help with masks to protect themselves from the coronavirus. Let's move, help immediately! [Translation from the Indonesian.]

ACT to Send 10,000 Boxes of Masks to Indonesians in Hong Kong

"The coronavirus epidemic has become a humanitarian crisis," said Ahyudin, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of ACT, at a press conference this week. "We have to understand that it is humanity that is afflicted. And this should become the momentum for moving the community forward to face this humanitarian crisis. It is fitting to make this dangerous outbreak a global humanitarian moment."

Ahyudin said humanitarian and government institutions were needed together to overcome the crisis. "Together, regardless of nation, race or religion, we will find a solution. Moreover, this is a global crisis, and our brothers are at risk such as the workers from Indonesia (WNI) in Hong Kong," he said.

There are some 265 thousand Indonesian workers in Hong Kong who are at risk from the epidemic. Seeking to protect their health, they are wearing masks, which are now in short supply. "Public demand is soaring while supplies are running low because masks prevent the coronavirus from spreading," said Yana, an Indonesian worker in Hong Kong.

ACT responded to the call for masks with a target of 10,000 boxes for Indonesian citizens in Hong Kong. "2,500 mask boxes will be sent for our brothers and sisters in Hong Kong in the first batch," says Sucita Ramadinda of the ACT Global Humanity Response Team. In addition to distributing masks, ACT is preparing sanitation kits and food packages for Indonesians in Hong Kong.

ACT distributed masks to Indonesian citizens arriving from China at Jakarta's Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and the ACT medical team conducted a health campaign for visitors at the airport as a step in preventing the spread of coronavirus in Indonesia. -- ACT NEWS. All Rights Reserved.

About ACT Foundation

ACT Foundation (Aksi Cepat Tanggap) is an Indonesian Relief which focuses on natural and humanitarian disaster management, covering emergency, rescue, medical, relief, reconstruction and recovery. Independently established in 2005, ACT has developed programs for malnutrition, famine, children, health and sanitation, education, economic empowerment, community development and social conflict. ACT is engaged in 30 provinces and 100 cities in Indonesia, and sponsors aid missions across 22 countries in Asia, Europe and Africa. Visit us at and follow ACT NEWS on and ACT TV on

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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