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SDK to Change Part of its Articles of Incorporation

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

SDK to Change Part of its Articles of Incorporation

TOKYO, Feb 13, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Showa Denko (SDK; TSE:4004) decided at its board of directors meeting today to present a proposal for partial changes in its Articles of Incorporation to its 111th ordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held on March 26, 2020.

1. Objective of changes(1) Convocation of General meeting (amended Article 12):To ensure flexible administration of general meetings of shareholders, it is planned to change part of Article 12, paragraph 2.

(2) Representative Directors and Officer Directors (amended Article 20):To ensure quick execution of the company's operation, it is planned to change part of Article 20, paragraph 2, so that president may be elected from among corporate officers as well. Also, provisions on Officer Directors will be amended as shown in planned paragraph 3.

(3) Convener of Board of Directors Meeting (current Article 21):To ensure flexible administration of meetings of the board of directors, it is planned to delete the provision in Articles of Incorporation referred to in Article 366, paragraph 1, of the Companies Act.

(4) Corporate Officers (amended Article 27):It is planned to establish new Article 27 to clarify the company's corporate officers system, which has been adopted since the 93rd business term.

(5) Other changes (amended Articles 12 and 13):Titles of Articles 12 and 13 are to be changed to make them consistent with descriptions in other provisions.

2. DetailsProposed changes in Articles of Incorporation are as follows:*See

3. Schedules(1) Date of the general meeting of shareholders for the change of Articles of Incorporation:March 26, 2020

(2) Effective date of the change of Articles of Incorporation:March 26, 2020

About Showa Denko K.K.

Showa Denko K.K. (SDK; TSE:4004, ADR:SHWDY), a major manufacturer of chemical products, serves a wide range of fields from heavy industry to electronics and computer industries. The Petrochemicals Sector provides cracker products such as ethylene and propylene, the Chemicals Sector provides industrial, high-performance and high-purity gases and chemicals for semicon and other industries, and the Inorganics Sector provides ceramic products, such as alumina, abrasives, refractory and graphite electrodes and fine carbon products. The Aluminum Sector provides aluminum materials and high-value-added fabricated aluminum, the Electronics Sector provides HD media, compound semiconductors such as ultra high-bright LEDs and rare earth magnetic alloys, and the Advanced Battery Materials Department (ABM) provides lithium-ion battery components. For more information, please visit

Contact:Showa Denko K.K., Public Relations Office, Tel: 81-3-5470-3235

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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