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BHD Global's STO application approved by SEC

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

BHD Global's STO application approved by SEC

SINGAPORE, May 1, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - BHD's application for a security token offering (STO) has been approved by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). BHD, a new style of crypto currency with its unique Proof of Capacity (PoC) consensus and mining mechanism, generates its unique value through mathematics and code.

BHD Global's STO application approved by SEC

BHD established its CPoC (Conditional Proof of Capacity) with an original, next-generation consensus system, with an optimal economic model and consensus algorithm. BHD uses hard disk as consensus participant, significantly lowering the energy consumption, and the entry barrier, making mining of crypto currency safer, more decentralized, and for everyone.

Compared with Bitcoin POW mining, CPoC mining saves energy, consumes much less power, has lower noise, no heat, and is anti-ASIC. CPoC-mining-based BHD can realize the original intention of Satoshi Nakamoto, that everyone can become a miner. BHD's global network capacity has reached 1000 Pb, and the equipment value is 400 million USD.

BHD is a self-governing community project, like Bitcoin, which will allocate greater rewards and more support to miners who meet the mining conditions. All these changes have been realized by mathematical formulas and algorithms instead of manual operation. The performance of BHD has attracted much attention with some believing this dark horse may lead a revolution in the blockchain industry.

Relative to an ICO, STOs are seen as lower risk, as the securities laws that regulate security tokens often enforce transparency and accountability. A security token will also be backed by a real-world asset, which makes it easier to assess whether or not the token is priced fairly in relation to the underlying asset. With pure utility tokens, it can be difficult to assess true value, and determine fair price.

The STO is good for BHD's adoption in the long-run. STOs are legally compliant, which means they are perceived to be of less risk, and will encourage institutional investors to come on board. BHD community registered as BHD-global autonomy foundation Ltd, applied to the Singapore Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), was approved by the SEC on 03.30.20, was approved by ACRA, became effective on 04.15.20.

Please visit the official website:

SEC approval:

Contact: Master Bao, BHD Community is now BHD Global Autonomy Foundation.

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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