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BitHull Cryptocurrency Miners Buy 3 Get 1 Free

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

BitHull Cryptocurrency Miners Buy 3 Get 1 Free

COPENHAGEN, May 4, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - BH Miner and BH Miners Box, two recently launched cryptocurrency miners from BitHull S.A, are now available for a lucrative promotional offer. Anyone purchasing three of these extraordinarily profitable FPGA miners is now entitled to receive one more miner absolutely free of cost. This promotional offer will remain active until May 30.

BH Miner is the basic product from BitHull S.A that has been designed specifically for the newbies looking to try their hand in crypto mining. BH Miners Box, on other hand, is a combination of six BH Miner with serious profit making potential. Both these miners can be used for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero.

Hash Rates:

BH Miner Hash Rates: Bitcoin: 360 TH/s, Litecoin: 60 GH/s, Ethereum: 15 GH/s, and Monero: 3 MH/sBH Miners Box Hash Rates: Bitcoin: 2160 TH/s, Litecoin: 360 GH/s, Ethereum: 90 GH/s, and Monero: 18 MH/s

Profit (BH Miners Box):

Bitcoin: $7951.95 profit per monthLitecoin: $18.64k profit per monthEthereum: $25.78k profit per monthMonero: $29.06k profit per month

Assuming power cost of $0.12/kWh, the monthly power expense for BH Miners Box comes to $285 only. Based on figures shared above, BH Miners Box users can break-even and start making profits within a month. To further enhance the profitability of its customers, BitHull S.A covers the delivery and custom fees for them.

"We are pleased to announce that anyone purchasing three or more miners from us will now receive one miner for no additional cost whatsoever. This promotion is specifically for the mining enthusiasts looking to build an extremely profitable home based mining business," said Matias Milet, Vice President of BitHull S.A.

For more details, please visit

About BitHull S.A

BitHull S.A is a technology company dedicated to developing next-generation hardware for cryptocurrency mining. The company is run by a team of experts with a track record of delivering world-class tech components such as FPGA chips to numerous industry heavyweights.

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Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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