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Interactio remote interpretation connects world leaders to support Gali in the fight against Coronavirus

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Interactio remote interpretation connects world leaders to support Gali in the fight against Coronavirus

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, May 8, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - Interactio, a remote interpretation platform, has partnered with the European Commission to connect political leaders and philanthropists at the international pledging conference "Coronavirus Global Response." In the midst of the global crisis, Interactio assisted the European initiative in the joint effort to raise 7.5 billion EUR in donations to Gali, the vaccine alliance fighting the COVID-19.

Interactio remote interpretation connects world leaders to support Gali in the fight against Coronavirus

Interactio remote interpretation connects world leaders to support Gali in the fight against Coronavirus

As strict quarantine regulations divided the states geographically, the common cause to find timely and affordable treatment brought the five continents together in a multilingual hybrid meeting. To ensure the precision and quality of simultaneous interpretation, Interactio connected onsite interpreters from European Commission premises with the world leaders joining the event remotely.

Through the integration of the audio and video stream in partnership with Televic Conference equipment, the message was successfully shared in English, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Chinese languages in real time.

The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, and leaders of more than 40 other nations from Europe, Australia, Asia, North, and South America united against Coronavirus digitally on the Interactio remote participation panel.

During the remote conference, Melinda Gates shared an important message for humanity, followed by a generous donation of 100 million American dollars from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

"COVID-19 has reminded us that viruses don't obey borders or custom laws. They don't care what nationality you are," said Gates.

"Interactio became the platform of choice for this event. The Heads of State and Government as well as other major donors and research institutions connected to the smooth, user-friendly and performant platform and pledged substantial amounts for the common fight against the pandemic. This successful high-level event was a milestone for everybody involved, and we would like to sincerely thank Interactio for their tireless preparation work, dedication, availability and unrelenting support throughout the event. We are very much looking forward to further cooperation." states Frederic Pirotte, Head of the Technical Compliance Team, DG Interpretation, European Commission.

Overall, a total of 7.4 billion EUR was fundraised during the pledging conference, leaving high hopes for the speedy development of the treatment. As the world unites in a humanitarian effort to protect the disadvantaged in an unexpected outbreak of the Coronavirus disease, Interactio remains loyal to its ongoing mission of transmitting powerful ideas despite the geographical barriers.

About Interactio

Interactio ( is a Lithuanian-based remote interpretation platform which provides remote participation for multilingual online and onsite meetings. Connected on an interactive panel via desktop or mobile device, attendees can exchange ideas in a live-chat, cast votes, and show essential information through a screen sharing function.For further media queries, please contact: Simona Andrijauskaite+441644717778s@interactio.io

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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