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Madeline 'Maddy' Cross-Parkin Appointed Director of Music Grants for The Scheer Foundation

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases
Beverly Hills, CA and Brisbane, AU, Jul 22, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - The Scheer Foundation announced today the appointment of Ms. Madeline "Maddy" Cross-Parkin as Director of Music Grants, effective July 14, 2020.

Madeline 'Maddy' Cross-Parkin Appointed Director of Music Grants for The Scheer Foundation

Maddy, who was chosen after an international search, is a brilliant pianist currently following a cursus at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia. Maddy will lead the Music Grants allocation of the Foundation, and will develop a strategic plan for the Foundation music initiatives. Maddy will have the ultimate decision in granting assistance to young artists.

The Scheer Foundation historically has been operated in the fight against malnutrition but has recently expanded its reach to Arts & Music. The Scheer Foundation is committed to serving the fields of classical music in supporting promising young artists.

"The world of music is international and does not know borders. Music bring peace and joy around the world and therefore we have decided to dedicate some of our efforts to Music," said Frederic Scheer, Chairman of the Foundation.

"Maddy is young, a brilliant artist and her energy and dedication will bring joy to a lot of people. I salute her willingness to participate in this new adventure. It is rare to see young people volunteering for helping others, we are privileged and happy to welcome her."

About the Scheer Foundation

The Frederic & Jocelyne Scheer Foundation is a US Private Foundation (501-c 3) dedicated to fighting malnutrition and children mortality in Africa and promoting local agricultural and industrial project to build up local and regional employment. The Foundation recently expanded its reach to Arts & Music.

Learn more at

Contact: or: Maddy@scheerfoundation.orgTel: +1 310 525 9037

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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