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Singamas Advances Development of Custom-made Specialised Containers

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases
HONG KONG, Jul 27, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) - World-leading container manufacturer and logistics services provider Singamas Container Holdings Limited ("Singamas" / the "Group") (stock code: 716) has announced today that it has delivered a mobile Polymerase Chain Reaction ("PCR") laboratory for COVID-19 testing to the Shanghai Pudong Airport on 8 July 2020. The mobile laboratory can handle a maximum of 1,500 specimens a day. It consists of three functional rooms including the reagent preparation room, specimen processing room and PCR test room. Arrival testing will be commenced this week.

Singamas Advances Development of Custom-made Specialised Containers

The mobile PCR laboratory has been developed by the Group's in-house R&D team located in Shanghai, the PRC, together with experts from the renowned Chinese Academy of Sciences and China Customs. Engineers from the Group's R&D team are dedicated to the research and development of advanced customised specialised containers meeting the needs of society as well as the demands from customers around the world. Apart from specialised transportation-focused containers, the Group's R&D team has been developing containers for use in a wide range of areas including but not limited to power generation, energy storage, data centres, housing and hotel, pressurized ex-proof, breeding and farming, as well as for scientific and medical applications.

Mr. Teo Siong Seng, Chairman of Singamas, said: "We are very excited about the development of the mobile PCR laboratory for the Shanghai Pudong Airport, and would like to thank the local government for entrusting us with this important responsibility for the city. As Singamas' specialised containers business develops, we are fascinated that when combined with modern technology, our products can be developed for diverse segments with diverse needs. With the support of our dedicated R&D team, superb manufacturing skills, and the trust and confidence of our customers, we have already developed over 1,000 types of specialised products to date. Moving forward, we are well-equipped to strengthen our product innovation and offer a comprehensive range of products to satisfy the specific needs of our community."

About Singamas Container Holdings LimitedSingamas is one of the world's major container manufacturers and logistics services providers. Its manufacturing business covers container factories located in Mainland China that focus on the manufacturing, R&D and sale of dry freight and specialised containers. Its logistics operations include container depots located in key locations in Mainland China and in Hong Kong, as well as a logistics company in Xiamen. Riding on its comprehensive investment strategies, the Group is consolidating its market leadership in the global container industry. For details, please visit:

Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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