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MHI Thermal Systems' Air Conditioners for the Australian and New Zealand Markets Receive Canstar Blue Award for Second Straight Year

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases
TOKYO, Sep 14, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - For a second consecutive year, air conditioners manufactured by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Thermal Systems, Ltd. (MHI Thermal Systems) have been recognized as the No.1 brand in customer satisfaction in Australia according to a consumer survey conducted by Canstar Blue. A broad lineup of MHI Thermal Systems' air conditioners is marketed in Australia and New Zealand through its local subsidiary Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Air-Conditioners Australia, Pty. Ltd. (MHIAA). The "Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Award" in the air conditioner category was presented to MHIAA for its receipt of the top rating (5 stars) in five of its survey's six evaluated categories. Receipt of the Canstar Blue award two years in a row follows on the heels of MHIAA's winning corresponding accolades in 2018 and 2019 from CHOICE, the Australian Consumers Association, Australia's leading consumer advocacy group.


The Canstar Blue survey asked consumers who purchased any brands of air conditioner in the local market within the past two years to rate their products in six categories: overall satisfaction, value for money, reliability, ease of use, noise while operating, and functionality and features. In each category the respondents could rate their units in a range of 1 to 5 stars. The brand garnering the highest total rating is granted the right to display the "Canstar Blue" logo on its winning products for a period of one year. Air conditioners marketed by MHIAA received 5-star ratings in five of the six categories, finishing first in "overall satisfaction" and significantly outstripping the competing brands in total number of 5-star ratings received.

Canstar Blue, established in 2010, is the most authoritative consumer review and comparison site in Australia and the broader Oceania region. Once every year the site presents its "Canstar Blue Most Satisfied Customers Awards" in more than 150 categories of consumer goods and services, to enable consumers to make better-informed, economically sound purchasing decisions. Its rankings are based on actual consumer review ratings. CHOICE, Australia's another independent consumer advocacy group which named MHIAA the best air conditioner brand in both 2018 and 2019, has a history approaching 60 years and membership exceeding 200,000 consumers. The organization seeks to increase consumer benefit by providing information adequate to enable consumers to choose products and services with confidence. CHOICE conducts its activities independently and transparently, without any outside financial support. Its evaluation standards enjoy strong authority within Australia's circulation market.

Yuji Ito, Managing Director of MHIAA, happily welcomed the news of the award from Canstar Blue. "As a customer-centric organisation, we are honoured to have received this Canstar Blue award for the second year in a row. At MHIAA, we believe in creating long-lasting relationships with our customers. From finding the perfect AC unit, to installation and services throughout its lifetime, by investing in our service support, we ensure that our superior products are backed by service excellence. We'd like to thank Canstar Blue and Australian consumers for their recognition and belief in our brand as it demonstrates our ongoing commitment to delivering the best products to the Australian Market."

MHIAA was established as MHI Thermal Systems' air-conditioner sales and service base in Australia in 2009. Headquartered in Sydney, the company has branches throughout Australia as well as in New Zealand, making for a network that enables sales and service activities closely coordinated with the needs of each local market. Receipt of the Canstar Blue award is seen as recognition not only of the high performance of MHIAA's products but also of its continuous efforts made to satisfy local consumers.

Leveraging the latest award from Canstar Blue, MHI Thermal Systems will continue developing the technologies and products that customers want, applying its comprehensive technological capability derived from synergies in its broad-based air-conditioning and refrigeration operations to provide optimal thermal solutions to a diverse range of customer needs.

About Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) Group is one of the world's leading industrial firms. For more than 130 years, we have channeled big thinking into solutions that move the world forward - advancing the lives of everyone who shares our planet. We deliver innovative and integrated solutions across a wide range of industries, covering land, sea, sky and even space. MHI Group employs 80,000 people across 400 locations, operating in three business domains: "Power Systems," "Industry & Infrastructure," "Aircraft, Defense & Space." We have a consolidated revenue of around 40 billion U.S. Dollars. We aim to contribute to environmental sustainability while achieving global growth, using our leading-edge technologies. By bringing people and ideas together as one, we continue to pave the way to a future of shared success.

For more information, please visit MHI's website: For Technology, Trends and Tangents, visit MHI's new online media SPECTRA:

Copyright 2020 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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