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Government Blockchain Association (GBA) Announces New Ai Community for Blockchain

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Government Blockchain Association (GBA) Announces New Ai Community for Blockchain

Washington, D.C., Feb 8, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - In response to the Executive Order titled Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government, the Government Blockchain Association, GBA, is pleased to announce that we are launching the AI for Government Community, led by Mr. Oki Mek, the Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, (CAIO), for US Health and Human Services, (HHS).

Mr. Mek, along with Jose Arrieta, Former CIO at HHS, developed Accelerate, the first blockchain-based program in the Federal government to get an authority-to-operate. This program was purported to save HHS $30 million over five years, according to MeriTalk, 2/11/2020. Mr. Mek's leadership will be instrumental in supporting government's use of Artificial intelligence (AI) for economic growth and improving the quality of life for their citizens.

The International Community will meet virtually, the first Monday of each month, from 3-4 PM. On this call, Civil Servants from around the world can discuss best practices and lessons learned regarding government use of AI. Government employees from Tel-Aviv to Hyderabad can sign up discuss their intricate AI challenges.

The GBA Artificial Intelligence & Government Community of Interest is open to anyone in government who would like to join the conversation. GBA membership is free for all government employees. If you would like to join this community, please go to the GBA Membership page to register as a free civil servant and then go to the Community of Interest page to join this group.

The Government Blockchain Association (GBA) is the largest, most robust, and engaged blockchain association in the world. With over 120 chapters globally and more than 50 working groups, the GBA has thousands of public and private sector blockchain professional members from every continent. GBA members work in over 500 government offices at local, regional, national, and international levels.

Source: Platoblockchain

Contact InformationKathy Dache (GBA): kathy.dache@gbaglobal.orgGovernment Blockchain Association:

Kathy Dache is the Events Director of the Government Blockchain Association (GBA). She has over 30 years of training and events experience. She co-founded a blockchain professional networking group in 2016 and helped launch the Government Blockchain Association in 2017. She has conducted extensive research on blockchain and cryptocurrency topics including economic analysis, financial systems, and the impact of cryptocurrency adoption on governments.

Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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