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Shareschart Launches Its Online Proprietary Stock Analysis Software

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Sept 17, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) - Recently, Shareschart team has proudly announced the launch of its automatic technical and fundamental analysis tool. It is one kind of online proprietary stock analysis software for day trading, swing trading, long term, and value investing. It attempts to assist users in recognizing and exploiting trends more quickly than the average trader and value investor, as well as tracking price movements and indicators.

Shareschart Launches Its Online Proprietary Stock Analysis Software

Shareschart is a one-of-a-kind new offering in the field of technical and fundamental analysis, with a slew of automated tools and AI-assisted technical expertise that will impress even the most seasoned traders and investors. Shareschart's program is completely free for now, and professional traders or investors who just want to go in, follow their stocks, and get back to work will appreciate Shareschart's emphasis on customisation.

Their team consists of seasoned coders, traders, or (in many cases) both. Thanks to their enormous personnel and cutting-edge computer systems, they are capable of providing clients with the best possible service.

The majority of experienced traders and investors utilize technical analysis to determine if a stock will rise or fall in value. Technical analysis is a sort of financial analysis that employs mathematical formulas and charting to identify patterns in the movement of a stock price or the overall market. Hand-drawing trendlines and resistance points on a candlestick or bar chart are common in technical analysis, and these trendlines are frequently incorrect and must be re-drawn.

Shareschart is an automated technical analysis application that tries to eliminate the manual component of traditional technical analysis in order to get findings that are more accurate. For a more personalized technical analysis experience, Shareschart focuses primarily on customisation tools and indicators, as well as allowing users to create their own indicators/trendlines and watchlists.

Trendline spotting is done automatically. Algorithms are used by Shareschart to place and calculate trendlines automatically. Users should expect Shareschart's lines to be more accurate than those placed manually because Shareschart's program uses data to create trendlines instead of the old practice of "eyeballing" where the line looks about correct. Shareschart can also be tailored to the user's preferred line drawing style.

Fibonacci retracements are calculated automatically. No more guessing where their peaks and troughs are located manually, and no more wasting time calculating retracement levels. Shareschart eliminates a lot of the guesswork from technical analysis, resulting in more precise findings with their one of a kind scanner.

Candlestick pattern detection is automated. Over 40 different types of candlesticks can be detected and highlighted by Shareschart's algorithms, which present them with easily identifiable designated parts.

Shareschart offers technical and fundamental data for all major stock markets, including the United States, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, and Malaysia, as well as cryptocurrency.

SharesChart is here to assist users with fundamental analysis and charts, regardless of their skill level.

When users register a free account, you'll have access to SharesChart's charting capabilities, including the ability to construct technical and fundamental scanner and market indicators.

All in all, SharesChart is a great tool for researching, charting, and filtering their favorite stocks, whether the user is an avid trader or just inquisitive about what's going on in the market.

The Shareschart team is also encouraged to keep developing new tools and features because the software's performance is always improving, as evidenced by its website.

For more information, please visit:

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Media ContactBrand: ShareschartContact: Kimmy LimWebsite:

SOURCE: Shareschart

Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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