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Synthesis Bank Announces the Launch of Public Sales of Its Own Token

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

GEORGE TOWN, CAYMAN ISLANDS, Oct 8, 2021 - (ACN Newswire) -– Recently, Synthesis Bank has announced the launch of public sales of its own token. Synthesis Bank is an investment bank built on the Ethereum smart contract. Users can use it to invest in crypto assets and other new alternative financial products in the blockchain and defi ecosystem.

Synthesis Bank Announces the Launch of Public Sales of Its Own Token

The Synthesis Bank team announces the launch of a public sale of its own token, $STB, beginning Oct. 20. The token is based on the Ethereum network.

  • Token holders will receive a monthly dividend of $STB
  • During the public sale, 75% of the total token issue is scheduled to be sold.
  • Total token emission - 200,000,000.
  • The platform passed a security audit by CertiK
  • People can purchase at the official website:
  • Token Address 0xbc61908cc90f35d87a5ba1c6ec2d5aa496804450

The Synthesis Bank team has already held two rounds of presales. According to their results:

In the first round, $482,268 $STB (4.8%) of a total of $10,000,000 $STB was sold, for a total of $2,35478.4 USD. The remaining $9,517,732 $STB tokens will be burned after the completion of the ICO

In the second round, 158,165 $STB (0.5%) of a total of 30,000,000 $STB were sold, for a total of 110,093.6 USD. The remaining $29,841,735 $STB tokens will be burned after the completion of the ICO

Shortly after the public sale, Synthesis Bank plans a series of listings on cryptocurrency exchanges in November 2021.

After that, in winter 2022, the team plans to launch its own decentralized exchange, launch staking and farming $SBT token, and launch Synthesis Bank Algorihmic trading pool.

If users are interested in this project, you can learn more about it on the official resources:

Social LinksTwitter:

Media ContactCompany: Synthesis LLCContact: Marcos PouchanE-mail: info@synthesisbank.coWebsite:

SOURCE: Synthesis LLC

Copyright 2021 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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