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Bortex Global Limited Considers Transfer Listing to the Main Board of SEHK

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Bortex Global Limited Considers Transfer Listing to the Main Board of SEHK

HONG KONG, Sep 27, 2019 - (ACN Newswire) - Bortex Global Limited ("Bortex" or the "Group") (stock code: 8118), an expanding manufacturer and exporter of LED lighting products, currently listed on the GEM Board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (the "Stock Exchange" or "SEHK"), is considering transferring listing to the Main Board of the Stock Exchange and has appointed a sponsor for the Proposed Transfer of Listing.

The Group's LED decorative lighting and LED luminaire lighting series businesses cover the global market, including North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. For the year ended April 30, 2019, the Group recorded a 7.1% increase in total revenue to approximately HK$162.0 million and gross profit of HK$49.1 million, up by 14.7%. The gross profit climb was mainly driven by the increased sales of LED decorative lighting series (including smart lighting). The Group's profit for the year rocketed by 216.2% to HK$23.4 million. During the year under review, the Group strategically put more resources in expanding the Mainland China market to mitigate the effect of the Sino-US trade conflict and as such made satisfactory revenue.

Looking ahead, the Group will continue to design and develop new lighting products to expand its portfolio so as to enhance its competitiveness in the specialised LED lighting market. Moreover, it will tighten cooperation with customers to ensure it can deliver just-in-time service to meet customers' needs. The switch onto the Main Board will increase the brand exposure in the market, hence allowing the Group to create greater returns for shareholders.

About Bortex Global Limited

Bortex Global Limited (the "Group", Stock code: 8118) is an expanding manufacturer and exporter of LED lighting products with a production plant located in Dongguan, Guangdong Province, the PRC. The Group principally engages in manufacturing and selling of quality LED lighting products to its customers in North America, Europe and Asia Pacific. With over 10 years of operations experience, the Group offers a range of LED lighting product series with different designs and features and can manage a one-stop production process by providing prototyping, sampling, manufacturing, assembling, and packaging of LED lighting products according to customers' specifications on both an ODM and OEM basis.

Copyright 2019 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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