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Of Dreams Knowledge (Asia) Presents A New Sustainable Nutrition Solution, MILESTONE®

  • Written by Of Dreams & Knowledge (Asia)
SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 21 November 2022 - Should there be a debate about which is more valuable, natural or synthetic nutrients, Of Dream[2]s & Knowledge (Asia)[3] would tell you that it would be that of naturally-occurring nutrients. This conclusion is MILESTONE®, the bio-functional food brand that arrived after countless years of research into the subject. Backed by the belief that prevention is better than cure — MILESTONE® is proud to present its new line of olive oils that are geared towards adapting to an individual's genes to enrich and maximize the body's potential to fend off chronic ailments.

Years of Dedicated Research

MILESTONE® stands out as a health food solution that addresses the deficiencies in today's nutrition in a completely natural way, without the use of synthetic nutrients. It is through the carefully calibrated formulas of complementary active ingredients that aid in boosting the body's natural responses, effectively treating ailments in a preventative manner.

A New Paradigm Towards Preventative Nutrition

Take the MILESTONE®'s proprietary blend of medical graded 100% High Phenolic Olive Oil series[4] for instance. Carefully formulated and enriched with naturally-found nutrients in its ingredients, this series of olive oils aims to treat ailments before they become chronic.

With its high concentration of polyphenols, the Medical Grade 100% High Phenolic Olive Oil Exclusive Vegan Hybrid[5] contributes to the protection of blood lipids from oxidative stress. In addition, this formula is rich in Omega 3 (ALA), Omega 6 and Omega 9 (oleic acid) fatty acids, with natural hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol bioactive compounds, without additives or preservatives. As more Singaporeans adopt intermittent fasting practices, a vital compound known as Oleuropein can activate cell autophagy. Autophagy is the process where the body reuses old damaged cells which make the body less insulin-resistant, resulting in the burning of unwanted fat which promotes optimal weight maintenance. Thus, this is the ideal food for diabetes[6] and food for inflammation[7], it is the first medical-grade olive oil in the world to be awarded three health claims.

The Medical Grade High Phenolic Olive with Vegan Algae D3 Oil[8] is another remarkable formulation by MILESTONE®. Apart from its antioxidant properties derived from the high polyphenol concentration, it is also the first medical grade olive oil to be enriched with Vitamin D3 found in algae — providing almost fifty times more antioxidants, effectively creating an immunity booster for the body. This makes it ideal as a food for vitamin D3[9], food for immunity[10], food for bones[11] andfood for kids[12] formula.

Lastly, the Medical Grade High Phenolic Olive with Vegan Algae Omega3 Oil (EPA + DHA + ALA)[13] is not only rich in Omega 3 (EPA+DHA+ALA), Omega 6 and Omega 9 (oleic acid) fatty acids as the other bottles are, but it is also sustainably sourced from the purest form of algae that is efficiently cultivated in indoor fermentation pools. Perfect as a Food for Brain[14] and Food for Heart[15] formula, it is beneficial for the reduction of cholesterol and high blood pressure without side effects and interactions.

A Sustainable Solution for Humanity and the Environment

Beyond organic[16] is the philosophy that MILESTONE® upholds. With quality standards that go beyond how and where an ingredient is grown. As such, MILESTONE® seeks to confirm the purity and potency of ingredients after harvest to guarantee that the final finished product is free of more than 800 chemical contaminants.

With most supplemental health solutions, there often lies the risk of missing out a step from time to time. However, MILESTONE® products are made to be a sustainable practice that are easily integrated into daily life. For instance, simply consume the recommended daily portion (10ml) of the Medical Grade 100% High Phenolic Olive Oil Exclusive Vegan Hybrid first thing in the morning and never miss a step for the rest of your day.

Hashtag: #OfDreams&Knowledge

The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Dream (
  3. ^ s & Knowledge (Asia) (
  4. ^ 100% High Phenolic Olive Oil series (
  5. ^ Medical Grade 100% High Phenolic Olive Oil Exclusive Vegan Hybrid (
  6. ^ food for diabetes (
  7. ^ food for inflammation (
  8. ^ Medical Grade High Phenolic Olive with Vegan Algae D3 Oil (
  9. ^ food for vitamin D3 (
  10. ^ food for immunity (
  11. ^ food for bones (
  12. ^ food for kids (
  13. ^ Medical Grade High Phenolic Olive with Vegan Algae Omega3 Oil (EPA + DHA + ALA) (
  14. ^ Food for Brain (
  15. ^ Food for Heart (
  16. ^ Beyond organic (

Authors: Of Dreams & Knowledge (Asia)

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