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Eco tourism

  • Written by News Company

Food Divided Into Four Basic Categories

  • *  Fresh food that includes meat, fish, veggies, and fruit.
  • *  Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt
  • *  Food which is canned or comes in glass jars
  • *  Dry foods which last a long time like pasta, rice, and beans

Preparing For a Camping Trip

Always take along food that is simple and easy to prepare at any time such as all kinds of pasta and rice. These kinds of foods cook up quickly and can make a great meal by just adding sauce to them. You can choose to cook up some pasta or rice dishes before you begin your trip. The readymade pasta and rice can then just be mixed with a couple of other ingredients and you have some delicious meals that can last for a few days in the fridge.

Always have some fruits and veggies on hand with can last for some days even if it is not possible to refrigerate them just make sure they are kept in the shade. It also depends on the outside temperatures. If you are going to be camping where a small store is nearby then purchase the fruits and veggies as you need them.

Make sure you bring along your spices and herbs especially garlic and onions which you can purchase fresh or dehydrated. They always make a great addition to salad or to the grill. When camping to keep to a healthy diet stock up on sun-dried tomatoes, dried mushrooms, lentils, and bring along pre-cooked beans which go with most any dish. Be sure to have plenty of dried fruits and nuts with you which are great for snacks. For those sweet treats kids want while sitting by the campfire make sure you have marshmallows on hand.

You can bake up cookies to take along with you which will always make a great snack. Bake up some cookies with fruit like banana chocolate chip cookies or bake up cookies that can be stored for a long time like almond cookies and for eating on the road at the beginning of your trip freshly baked orange cookies.

In Conclusion the Best Foods to Take Along on a Camping Trip

*  Any kind of dehydrated food which you can buy in your choice of a variety of meal kits and create great meals in not time at all.

*  Make sure you have trail mix along including nuts and bars which you can also pack along while you set off hiking.

*  Always be prepared with instant foods like mac and cheese, cup of noodles, and anything else that just requires the addition of hot water.

*  Make sure you have your favorite chili recipe with you and the ingredients you need ready to be added. There is nothing like chili when camping. Canned chili will do but freshly prepared is better. You can bring along ready cooked beans to add.

*  Have plenty of spices and herbs along as well as your basic condiments.

*  Beef jerky and dried fruits or any kind of other dried foods

*  Instant coffee packets and tea bags.

*  Before your trip cut up fruits like melon and add berries and freeze them in cups. Bring them along in a cooler for healthy fruit snacks.

*  Bring along canned tuna and jarred peanut butter to make sandwiches. So don’t forget the bread and the jelly. Keep the bread fresh in your cooler.

*  To avoid having eggs break or spoil break the eggs into a bowl at home and beat them up with salt and pepper and pour them into a resealable plastic bottle. Store the bottle in your cooler and you have eggs ready to be cooked for breakfast.

Be well prepared and you’ll be able to enjoy your camping trip and not have to worry about the meals you’ll eat each day.


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