Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate



  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

KAUNAS, Lithuania, Nov. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Global IoT networking equipment manufacturer, Teltonika Networks, has recently announced its initiative to cut the average price of its industrial network switches by an average of 30% starting with January 2024.

This announcement follows in the footsteps of the company's recent launch of its first-ever managed switches, the TSW202 and TSW212. Teltonika Networks has stated that it now considers its switch portfolio to be of sufficient size for rapid expansion and growth in this product segment.

This is planned to be achieved by implementing more assertive pricing while maintaining the products' ease of use and top-quality and reliability, adhering to the highest European standards.

 "As demand for our industrial network switches is rapidly growing, we know that it's crucial to make them scalable to all our existing and future partners," says Teltonika Networks Head of Sales, Vytautas Sventickas. "Therefore, this new pricing strategy is being implemented to make our devices affordable to all Teltonika Networks partners and clients and guarantee the best value in the market, hands down."

About the TSW network switch series

Teltonika Networks launched its first industrial network switches in 2020 with its TSW series. Presently, its product portfolio consists of 8 unmanaged switches and 2 managed switches.

All TSW products are plug-and-play devices engineered with easy installation in mind, featuring extra compact design, DIN rail mounting options, a wide input voltage range, and numerous RJ45 Ethernet ports for high-bandwidth data throughput.

Designed for industrial use, they also feature sturdy aluminium housing and resistance to vibrations, humidity ranging from 10% to 90% (non-condensing), and extreme temperatures from -40 °C to 75 °C.

Individual products in the TSW series are tailored to meet and satisfy different market needs by focusing on specific strengths and features. Those include PoE+ capabilities, enhanced compactness, scalability, and performance, and offering different PoE power budgets, voltage ranges, and bandwidths.

About Teltonika Networks

Teltonika Networks is a global manufacturer of IoT connectivity equipment with over 25 years of market experience. Our industrial networking products provide seamless connectivity, simple integration, and remote management capabilities to your IoT networking solutions.

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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