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98.99% of Kiwi Players Favour Online Pokies: BNZC's Comprehensive 2023 Gaming Survey Reveals

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

AUCKLAND, New Zealand, Nov. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Best New Zealand Casinos ( has unveiled a detailed survey on New Zealand's online casino players' behaviours and preferences, offering an insightful look into Aotearoa's gaming scene. The survey results are now accessible on their website.

Best New Zealand Casinos Infographic: NZ Online Casino Gaming Trends Best New Zealand Casinos Infographic: NZ Online Casino Gaming Trends

Survey Highlights

  • Pokies Preference: A remarkable 98.99% of players show a preference for online pokies, dominating New Zealand's gaming culture.
  • Loyalty to Pokies: 67% exclusively play pokies, demonstrating strong loyalty.
  • Varied Playing Times: Player engagement ranges from casual to serious.
  • Diverse Betting Patterns: The survey indicates varied betting habits, reflecting different financial situations and risk appetites.
  • Game Selection Factors: Visual aesthetics and jackpot potential are major influences on game choice.
  • Regional Trends: Auckland emerges as the key region for casino gamers, with other areas showing unique preferences.

Detailed Findings

The survey, covering nearly 700 Kiwi players, reveals a significant lean towards online pokies, with 67% exclusively playing them, indicating a trend towards solitary gaming. Player gaming times vary, with half engaging 1 to 5 hours weekly, showcasing online gaming's adaptability. Betting behaviours are diverse, with many preferring bets under $1, while others venture into higher stakes, showing a spectrum of financial and risk profiles.

About 60.69% of players are attracted to visually appealing games, and 38.73% look for big jackpots, emphasizing a desire for engaging and rewarding experiences. Players often prioritize the gaming experience over brand loyalty, even with popular providers like Microgaming and NetEnt.

Satisfaction levels are high, showing platforms meet player expectations, but there's a demand for more innovative features like new games and better bonuses. Auckland's lead in regional gaming trends offers insights for targeted strategies.

Responsible Gambling These findings highlight the importance of responsible gambling. Understanding player habits aids platforms in customizing responsible gaming initiatives, like break reminders, self-limitation tools, and support services, ensuring a safe gaming environment.

About Best New Zealand Casinos

Best New Zealand Casinos, a foremost online casino industry platform in New Zealand, is renowned for in-depth reviews of NZ's top online casinos. Dedicated to responsible gaming and maintaining high industry standards, the platform offers diverse, high-quality casino games and platform reviews, striving for a safe and engaging gaming experience for all players.

For a detailed overview of the survey findings, visit:

Contact: Andrew Stone on Twitter/X: @realandrewstoneOr directly at:

Media Contact:Sara JacobsDigital PR Strategist



Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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