Asian Spectator

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Bachmann Welser is an expert in raising project or business funding through Instrument Monetisation -- No upfront Payment required

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
Bachmann Welser is an expert in raising project or business funding through Instrument Monetisation -- No upfront Payment required

TORTOLA, British Virgin Islands, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Bachmann & Welser controls its own monetising facilities and works with partners such as Top Tier World banks to monetise instruments. We do not charge an upfront fee to new and existing clients. We can monetise bank instruments issued from all banks.

Monetisation of bank instruments is a prudent way to raise funds for projects. Our monetisation solutions require a brief project overview for compliance purposes. Once compliance has been completed, full terms will be provided to clients based on the presented information.In the past 5 years, our network has raised over $1 billion in project financing for clients globally.

Privately held companies increasingly prefer borrowing from non-bank lenders. Whatever you need to raise debt for, whatever form it will take, and however much you are looking to borrow, Bachmann & Welser will be able to help you source and negotiate highly competitive financing packages and private credit. With direct  access to the  select lenders that offer very significant finance, we can arrange private debt for entrepreneurs and businesses worldwide.

Sourcing infrastructure finance remains complex for privately held infrastructure firms globally, given the significant capital required and the niche skills required to understand and structure revenue and repayment models. Wherever you operate and whatever your line of business, Bachmann & Welser will be able to arrange significant infrastructure debt.

For more information please visit For general enquiries, you can send an email with your enquiries to and for media enquiries contact, 020 7193 2557


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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