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Accelerated Online Diploma Creates Investment Analysts in 6 Months

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

Financial Markets Institute of Australia is disrupting higher education with real world, skills-based investment training

SYDNEY, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Financial Markets Institute of Australia (FMI) has opened 2024 enrolment for its groundbreaking Diploma of Company Analysis and Portfolio Management, delivered by financial markets veteran, Paul Nojin.

The online diploma is accelerated, advanced, government accredited, and real world. Diploma enrolment is open to students of any age, from anywhere around the world.

The diploma reveals the little-known strategies used by successful investors like Australia's Future Fund, the manager of Australia's $200 billion plus sovereign wealth fund.

Investment Expert Paul Nojin Teaches Proven Strategies in Landmark Diploma

With over 30 years of experience in the financial markets, former Bankers Trust trader, author and analyst, Paul Nojin, identified a critical gap in university education.

"University education is not real world, nor is it practical. As university graduates discover to their great disappointment, employers in the financial markets are not impressed by a university degree."

"In fact, leading employers no longer require a degree for trainee professional roles. What they want instead are practical skills and real-world knowledge, which is exactly what our Diploma of Company Analysis and Portfolio Management provides."

Recognizing that the leading investment banks are now prioritising practical skills over university degrees, FMI's diploma merges real world knowledge with sophisticated and proven investment strategies, and features personal mentoring from Nojin.

Nojin's past mentees have achieved senior positions at numerous investment banks, including Head of Australian Equity Strategy at Macquarie Group.

"Our graduates are able to impress leading employers with their skills and knowledge analysing companies, analysing value, and analysing the economic outlook. That is the key."

FMI's diploma marks a major advancement in financial markets education. By teaching proven real world investment strategies, in a practical hands-on course, FMI has filled the void that previously existed, and opened a pathway to employment with the world's leading employers.

About Financial Markets Institute of Australia (FMI)FMI, an Australian VET accredited Registered Training Organisation (RTO 45709), is proud to offer Australia's premier training in company analysis. Our Diploma of Company Analysis and Portfolio Management (NAT110099) is an accelerated online program delivered over 6 months.

More information:


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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