Asian Spectator

Breaking new ground in water management technology, KISTERS introduces HyQuant: the affordable, all-in-one non-contact water level and velocity radar sensor

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
Breaking new ground in water management technology, KISTERS introduces HyQuant: the affordable, all-in-one non-contact water level and velocity radar sensor

A new approach from KISTERS combines water level and velocity measurement in a single compact sensor, overcoming cost barriers. This development increases efficiency by eliminating the need to integrate independent sensors in one housing, leading to significant benefits to water-dependent industries.

AACHEN, Germany, March 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- KISTERS today announced the launch of HyQuant, a new range of non-contact water radar sensors set to break industry rules. Unlike current fragmented solutions, HyQuant offers a unified, cost-effective and accessible approach, eliminating the need for professionals to juggle multiple sensors. The series' all-in-one capability to measure water velocity and level from a single compact sensor breaks the affordability and size barrier, thus enabling everyone access to state-of-the-art technology.

HyQuant water level and radar sensors HyQuant water level and radar sensors

"Our goal was clear: to simplify the daily tasks of field operators. By consolidating multiple sensors into one, we're saving time and resources, enabling smoother operations and better data," said Edgar Wetzel, Global Head of R&D at KISTERS.

Manufactured at KISTERS' German facility, HyQuant effectively tracks water level and velocity in  both narrow and wide bodies of water. The sensors are equipped with customisable filters, built-in Modbus and SDI-12 protocols and secure Wi-Fi. They also feature a user-friendly interface with a wizard, for easy settings adjustment, an included mounting bracket and cable, an IP68 rating and one of the highest power efficiencies in the industry.

The heightened interest in non-contact technology has led to an increase in adoption, but at a very slow rate. Higher upfront costs have put this innovation out of reach until now. The technology behind HyQuant allows KISTERS to overcome this barrier and offer a cost-effective solution that doesn't compromise performance.

"HyQuant embodies KISTERS' commitment to accessibility and efficiency in water management" said Anton Felder, Director of KISTERS HydroMet, "By breaking down barriers of adoption, we're empowering more communities and industries to make informed decisions about their water resources"

The range includes:

  • HyQuant L+V: All-in-one level and velocity radar
  • HyQuant L: Level radar
  • HyQuant V: Surface velocity radar

KISTERS invites you to learn more about HyQuant in an upcoming online event. The date will be announced via its website, or follow its LinkedIn page.


KISTERS is a privately owned international organisation specialising in environmental data, instrumentation and IT. With expertise in water, weather, renewable energy and IT, KISTERS develops data-driven and technology-enabled solutions to address global challenges.

PDF:  Hyquant Series Brochure 

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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