Asian Spectator

American Muslim women are finding a unique religious space at a women-only mosque in Los Angeles

  • Written by Tazeen M. Ali, Assistant Professor of Religion and Politics, Washington University in St Louis
American Muslim women are finding a unique religious space at a women-only mosque in Los AngelesCongregants sit in a circle at the Women's Mosque of America.Women's Mosque of America

As Ramadan draws to a close, Muslims around the world prepare to celebrate the festival of Eid al-Fitr to mark the end of a month of fasting from dusk till dawn and additional acts of worship. On Eid, as in Ramadan, community is an integral component of Islamic...


5 evaluasi atas program bendungan era Jokowi

Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) meresmikan Bendungan Pamukkulu, di Kabupaten Takalar, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.(Muchlis Jr/BPMI Setpres)Prabowo-Gibran, yang pencalonannya sebagai Presiden dan Wakil ...

Benarkah goresan kecil di tubuh bisa mematikan di masa depan? Ini kata pakar resistansi antibiotik

Ilustrasi luka gores pada jari seorang perempuan. Timofeyev Alexander/ShutterstockArtikel ini diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris untuk memperingati Pekan Kesadaran Antimikroba Dunia, 18-24 November.Ber...

Why Now Is the Perfect Time to Lease an Electric Vehicle?

Australia is seeing strong year on year growth of EVs, with government incentives, advancements in technology, and environmental awareness driving more people to consider electric vehicles. If you’ve...

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