Asian Spectator

Inflation, workforce participation and real wages: 3 key indicators for monitoring the economy in 2022

  • Written by Veronika Dolar, Assistant Professor of Economics, SUNY Old Westbury
Inflation, workforce participation and real wages: 3 key indicators for monitoring the economy in 2022Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the best economy of them all?PM Images/DigitalVision via Getty Images

The U.S. economy ended 2021 with a lot of uncertainty. Inflation surged to levels not seen since the 1980s – seriously eroding consumer purchasing power – while the highly contagious omicron variant forced many Americans to hunker down...


Apakah AI telah meretas sistem operasi peradaban manusia? Peringatan dari Yuval Noah Harari

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Transplantasi rambut makin marak, ketahui risikonya lebih dahulu

Seorang laki-laki memperlihatkan kulit kepalanya yang penuh lubang tusukan dan keropeng akibat transplantasi rambut.Andranik Hakobyan / ShutterstockKerontokan rambut bisa memengaruhi fase tertentu dal...

Mengapa memilih bertahan? Riset temukan bias kognitif di balik kekerasan dalam pacaran

Ilustrasi kekerasan dalam pacaran.Tinnakorn jorruang/ShutterstockTrigger warning: Artikel ini ini mengandung konten kekerasan eksplisit yang dapat memicu perubahan kondisi emosi dan mental pembaca.Hub...

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