Asian Spectator

The Times Real Estate


Reliable climate protection with Passive House

  • Written by Passive House Institute
Reliable climate protection with Passive House

Today, 30 years after the first Passive House building kindergartens, schools, sports halls, supermarkets, indoor swimming pools, museums and entire districts to the Passive House standard are a matter of course. These buildings constitute an important contribution to effective climate protection and social equality. The high level of living comfort is an added bonus.

More than 80 projects from 19 countries are competing for the Passive House Award 2021. The presentation of this Award with a special focus on regenerative energy will be live-streamed during the 25th International Passive House Conference. The conference will take place in September in Wuppertal, Germany, and online: 16 lecture series will be dealing with energy efficient construction and retrofitting topics.[1]

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Authors: Passive House Institute

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