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Gaming Blockchain Oasys hosts Game Content Pitch Day in Seoul

  • Written by Oasys
SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA - Media OutReach - 29 July 2022 - Oasys, a blockchain optimized for games will be hosting a game pitch event in Seoul.

Oasys is an eco-friendly, high-speed and optimised blockchain built by gamers for gamers. Based in Japan and Singapore, many Korean gaming giants such as Netmarble, Com2us, Wemade, NHN, and NEOWIZ are now participating in our project as initial validators, alongside gaming titans Bandai Namco, SEGA and Ubisoft, and other global Web3 companies as YGG and Jump Trading.

Oasys has recently completed a USD 20M Private token sale round, led by Republic Capital and with extensive support from global venture capital and crypto exchanges including Jump Crypto,, Huobi, Kucoin,, Bitbank and Mirana Ventures.

Games created on Oasys are scheduled to be released in earnest in the second half of 2022 alongside Oasys' mainnet launch. With that in mind, we have set up this pitch day to meet with the best and brightest Korean game developers and see what new and innovative Web3 games are out there.

Daiki Moriyama, Director of Oasys, said: "Oasys aims to become the de facto standard chain used in blockchain games not only in Asia, but also throughout the world. The Oasys ecosystem is evolving at an innovative pace every day, and we are confident that game developers who participate in this ecosystem will be able to gain value as we grow. We hope that our meeting at this pitch contest will give you the opportunity to make a leap forward into the world."

Details of the Pitch Day

|Application Deadline| 2 Aug 2022(Tue)12AM

|Results Announcement/Shortlist | 3 Aug 2022(Web)6PM

|Final Pitch|

  • Date & Time : 5 Aug 2022(Fri)2PM to 6PM
  • Location : Seonghong Tower, 8F, 138, Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (Map[3])
  • Language : English / Korean / Japanese
  • 1,000,000 OAS Tokens*
  • Potential investment equivalent to USD 200,000 from Arriba Studio and doublejump ventures
  • Grant of first negotiation rights to Bandai Namco Entertainment 021 Fund
*OAS is the native token used in the Oasys blockchain, and is scheduled to be listed in the second half of 2022.

|Who Should Apply|Any corporate or individual Web3 game developers who are looking for support to publish their games globally.

|How to Apply|Please apply using the form below: Application Form[4]

|How to Contact Us|[email protected][5]

Hashtag: #Oasys #ArribaStudio #BandaiNamcoEntertainment #doublejumpVentures



  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ Oasys (
  3. ^ Map (
  4. ^ Application Form (
  5. ^ [email protected] (

Authors: Oasys

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