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Celebrating Indonesia’s Collective Sustainability Leadership at ACES Awards 2024

  • Written by ACES Awards 2024
BANGKOK, THAILAND - Media OutReach Newswire[1] – 16 December 2024 - The ACES Awards 2024 cast a spotlight on Indonesia's dynamic business landscape, shining a light on the nation's remarkable achievements in sustainability, innovation, and community-driven growth. With 80 nominations spanning 41 diverse industries, Indonesian finalists are distinguishing themselves as forward-thinking organizations committed to shaping a responsible and resilient future.

Celebrating excellence at the ACES Awards 2024, where outstanding leaders and visionary enterprises were recognized for their exemplary contributions—setting new benchmarks in innovation, business, leadership, governance, sustainability, and corporate responsibility across Asia.

At the forefront of this collective endeavor are leaders and companies that exemplify the country's progress. PT TBS Energi Utama Tbk, under the guidance of President Director Dicky Yordan, offers a compelling narrative of transformation: from coal mining to renewable energy, electric vehicles, and waste management solutions. TBS's TBS2030 initiative illustrates how corporate success can be seamlessly intertwined with environmental stewardship, underscoring Indonesia's readiness to align profitability with sustainable objectives.

Equally influential are those advancing the nation's healthcare and financial well-being. PT Siloam International Hospitals Tbk—recognized as one of Asia's Most Influential Companies—continues to expand its extensive network of hospitals and clinics, integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into every facet of its services. AIA Indonesia, another esteemed honoree, elevates the insurance industry by marrying financial protection with holistic wellness. Through programs like AIA Vitality, the company encourages healthier lifestyles, championing preventive care and climate responsibility as essential pillars of its growth strategy.

In sustainability management, PT Olahkarsa Inovasi Indonesia—led by Co-Founder and CEO Unggul Yoga Ananta—sets new standards for innovative social impact. The firm's pioneering approaches to corporate social performance highlight how strategic partnerships and advanced digital tools can drive meaningful change, while inspiring a new generation of socially conscious leaders.

Meanwhile, PT Acer Indonesia illustrates the tech sector's role in nurturing a greener ecosystem. By responsibly managing e-waste, investing in mangrove reforestation, and introducing eco-centric product lines, Acer demonstrates that cutting-edge innovation can flourish hand-in-hand with environmental care and long-term climate goals.

Together, these Indonesian award recipients reflect a shared vision: that growth, influence, and global relevance need not come at the expense of people or planet. By setting higher standards for sustainability and social responsibility, they are forging a path that others will undoubtedly follow—an inspiring legacy that firmly places Indonesia at the heart of Asia's sustainable transformation.


Hashtag: #ACESAwards2024 #RegionalRecognition #leadershipexcellence #Sustainability #SustainableCompanies #responsibleleaders #outstandingentrepreneurs #indonesia

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  1. ^ Media OutReach Newswire (
  2. ^ (

Authors: ACES Awards 2024

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