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. Pioneers New Extreme Efficient S19 Mining Plans

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases
SINGAPORE, Mar 10, 2020 - (ACN Newswire) -, the leading computing power sharing platform, announces availability of the "Extreme Efficient" S19 series mining plans which brings historically low energy fees offered on and one of the most efficient miner hardware offered on the market.

image has been selected as one of the first computing power sharing partners to offer the Antminer S19 and S19 Pro to the global market. Announced on February 27, 2020, the Antminer S19 series was unveiled to the world as "industry leading technology" capable of superior performance and being highly energy efficient. According to the manufacturer's press release, "the Antminer 19 series safeguards miners for future mining."

With the Bitcoin halvening event around the corner, and the S19 series mining plans provide important competitive miner advantages with low electricity usage, massive computing power and professional 24/7 IT management.

The Antminer S19 series mining plans with provide major advantages which can weather both bear and bull markets due to its ability to provide a hash rate of 110 TH/s with a power efficiency of 29.5+/-%5 J/TH. The S19 series is a game changing hardware solution that provides a clear answer to bitcoin miners who are preparing for the halving event.

With, cryptocurrency mining is simplified with their 1-click hardware solutions. provides the most competitive economies of scale, server maintenance expertise and unmatched transparency in the computing power sharing market.

About BitDeer

BitDeer is the world's leading computing power sharing platform, enabling global users to mine cryptocurrencies in a transparent, reliable, and convenient way. It saves users from the complicated process of purchasing, installing, and hosting mining machines. Individual miners can enjoy the service with just one click.

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Copyright 2020 ACN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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