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MHPS Receives Contract for AQCS Equipment for a Chemical Plant in Poland

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases
YOKOHAMA, Japan, Aug 4, 2020 - (JCN Newswire) - Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS), has received an order for an Air Quality Control System (AQCS) to be installed in the newly-built power generation facility of a chemical plant in Pulawy in southeastern Poland. The adoption of AQCS technology, including the flue gas desulfurization (FGD) system for which MHPS has the top global share(1), will contribute to the cleaning and reduction of air pollutants. The completion and handover is scheduled for October 2022.


Signing Ceremony

Pulawy is located approximately 130km southeast of the Polish capital of Warsaw. MHPS will provide the system to the plant operator Grupa Azoty Zaklady Azotowe "Pulawy" S.A. through the local general contractor Polimex Mostostal S.A. MHPS will supply a complete set of core components, including the NOx Removal System, electrostatic precipitator, FGD system, and wastewater treatment equipment, as well as dispatch engineers to the site to support trial runs. This system is compliant with the latest European environmental regulations.

MHPS has consolidated the environmental technologies for thermal power plants that were developed and accumulated by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) and Hitachi, Ltd., making MHPS one of the few manufacturers in the world able to offer an end-to-end AQCS as a single company. Its world-leading technologies and reliability greatly reduce air pollutants such as a sulfur oxide (SOx), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and particulate matter, helping to significantly improve the global environment.

Going forward, MHPS will further focus its efforts on the widespread adoption of AQCS technologies in Europe, where electricity demand is projected to grow amid tighter emissions regulations, as well as provide the energy security that is essential to economic development, and contribute to lessening environmental loads.

(1) FGD systems installed in thermal power generation facilities with output of 5MW or more, based on figures for technology owners (including operators provided with technology) in the McCoy Power Report, a U.S. market research firm that provides detailed analysis on the global power generation business. MHPS held 37.2% of the global market in 2019, and for the six-year period from 2014 had the top market share of 37%, with a combined 51,010 MW of output.

About Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd.

Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS), headquartered in Yokohama, Japan, is a joint venture formed in February 2014 by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Hitachi, Ltd. integrating their operations in thermal power generation systems and other related businesses. MHPS today ranks among the world's leading suppliers of equipment and services to the power generation market, backed by 100 billion yen in capital and approximately 20,000 employees worldwide. The Company's products include GTCC (gas turbine combined-cycle) and IGCC (integrated coal gasification combined-cycle) power plants, gas/coal/oil-fired (steam) power plants, boilers, generators, gas and steam turbines, geothermal power plants, AQCS (air quality control systems), power plant peripheral equipment, digital solutions and solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC).

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Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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