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Eisai Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award for Its Efforts to Realize Human Health Care (hhc) Philosophy

  • Written by ACN Newswire - Press Releases

Eisai Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award for Its Efforts to Realize Human Health Care (hhc) Philosophy

TOKYO, Feb 22, 2021 - (JCN Newswire) - Eisai Co., Ltd. announced today that it has received the 18th Corporate Philanthropy Award (FY 2020) of the Japan Philanthropic Association. The presentation ceremony was held on February 19, 2021 (Friday) at the GakushiKaikan (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo).

Eisai Receives Corporate Philanthropy Award for Its Efforts to Realize Human Health Care (hhc) Philosophy

Award ceremony (left: Ms. Yoko Takahashi, director, the Japan Philanthropic Association, right: Keigo Kato, executive director, Knowledge Creation Dept., Eisai)
The Corporate Philanthropy Award was founded in 2003 with the aim of commending companies for their activities for social contribution that organically and sustainably utilize their management resources (human resources, know-how, technology, information, etc.) in order to solve social issues, and of passing on a fair, warm and vibrant society to the next generation by broadly disseminating those social contribution activities to society. The award was presented to Eisai for its corporate philosophy of human health care (hhc) and its activities to realize the hhc philosophy, evaluating "a corporate culture and purposeful activities where employees demonstrate their true value toward the realization of a society in which people can live happily."Eisai's corporate philosophy is to give first thought to patients and their families, and increase the benefits that health care provides, and Eisai calls this philosophy the "human health care (hhc)" philosophy, in one word. In 2005, Eisai stipulated this philosophy as one of its Articles of Incorporation with the support of its shareholders. As an initiative to embody this hhc philosophy, Eisai recommends all officers and employees of the Eisai Group, including outside directors, to spend 1% of their business hours with patients and to engage in "socialization" to know their emotions. In addition, for developing and emerging countries, Eisai has continuously provided a treatment for lymphatic filariasis, which is one of the neglected tropical disease (NTDs), free of charge to endemic counties through the World Health Organization (WHO). Furthermore, Eisai has adopted the tiered-pricing model for its innovative new drugs, which sets multiple tiered prices according to the patient's income level and the insurance coverage that patients could afford. Thus, we are promoting various efforts to improve access to pharmaceutical products.

Eisai will make continuous efforts, based on the hhc philosophy, to further contribute to increasing the benefits of patients and their families around the world.

Copyright 2021 JCN Newswire. All rights reserved.

Authors: ACN Newswire - Press Releases

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