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China's CEEC-SEPEC Pays a Visit to Sungrow Australia in Sydney

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator
China's CEEC-SEPEC Pays a Visit to Sungrow Australia in Sydney

SYDNEY, Nov. 27, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Sungrow Australia received distinguished guests from China Energy Engineering Shanxi Electric Power Engineering Company (CEEC-SEPEC) recently. The visiting delegation, led by Chairman Wang Xianwen and Deputy General Manager Du Huibing, engaged in extensive discussion that not only solidified the collaboration on the ongoing 330MWh Templers energy storage project in South Australia but also expressed mutual intent for future long-term strategic cooperation during the meeting with Sungrow team.

SEPEC has extensive experience in the EPC management of renewable energy projects. Chairman Wang said: "We are eager to develop overseas projects with global industry-leading companies such as Sungrow. During previous cooperation projects, Sungrow's integrated solar-plus-storage and professional GPS grid-connected model team have left an indelible impression on us. It is hoped that a strategic cooperation agreement can be reached in the near future for a long-term and comprehensive partnership."

Joe Zhou, Head of Sungrow Australia, said that he appreciated the trust and support from SEPEC  and expressed the hope to deepen cooperation with the company and leverage both parties' strengths in EPC, products and system solutions. By getting started with Templers, they will jointly be able to greatly promote renewable energy in Australia. Moreover, the cooperation will provide employment opportunities for Australians and contribute to the development of the Australian economy.

About Sungrow 

Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. ("Sungrow") is the world's most bankable inverter brand with over 405 GW installed worldwide as of June 2023. Founded in 1997 by University Professor Cao Renxian, Sungrow is a leader in the research and development of solar inverters with the largest dedicated R&D team in the industry and a broad product portfolio offering PV inverter solutions and energy storage systems for utility-scale, commercial & industrial, and residential applications, as well as internationally recognized floating PV plant solutions, NEV driving solutions, EV charging solutions and renewable hydrogen production systems. With a strong 26-year track record in the PV space, Sungrow products power over 150 countries worldwide. For more information about Sungrow, visit

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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