Asian Spectator

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Runergy Ranked as a BloombergNEF Tier 1 PV Module Manufacturer

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

SHANGHAI, Nov. 28, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- Runergy has achieved a significant milestone by being included in the latest BloombergNEF Tier 1 PV Module Manufacturers list for Q4 of 2023. This recognition is a testament to the exceptional quality and reliability of Runergy's products, its outstanding performance in global projects, and its strong bankability.

BloombergNEF (BNEF) is renowned as one of the most reputable industry research institutions in the global new energy sector. BNEF has developed a tiering system for PV module products based on bankability, with the goal of creating transparent differentiation between the hundreds of manufacturers of solar modules on the market. To qualify as a Tier 1 PV module manufacturer, companies must demonstrate the production of self-owned brand PV modules for six different projects, financed by six different commercial banks.

Runergy's high-efficiency N-type double-glass module products are built on the latest generation of ultra-high efficient N-type cell technology developed by the Photovoltaic R&D Institute established by Runergy. These modules offer several advantages, including lower LCOE, better BOS cost, higher power efficiency, and are widely utilized in large-scale ground-mounted projects and tracking systems, C&I projects, and residential roofs. Runergy is committed to meeting the diverse needs of global customers and delivering higher returns for them. Since entering the PV module business in 2022, Runergy's module products have been exported to numerous countries and regions worldwide, with increasing shipments. The company has established extensive partnerships in key markets such as the United States, South America, Europe, and Southeast Asia, and has implemented PV power projects in various locations. One of Runergy's flagship products is the N-type Double Glass 144-Piece Module, which has received recognition as the RETC "Overall Highest Achiever", demonstrating exceptional performance in rigorous tests of quality, performance, and reliability.

Currently, Runergy is strategically expanding its vertical industrial chain, covering polysilicon, cells, modules, and power systems. The company has established independent production sites in multiple locations worldwide. Runergy implements stringent management practices in intelligent manufacturing, quality control, and after-sales support to ensure the delivery of efficient and high-quality products and services to customers, with the commitment of becoming the most reliable global solar solution partner. In response to the global energy transformation and evolving market trends, Runergy will accelerate the development of its entire industry chain, focus on module business growth, and establish a stable and trustworthy module production supplier brand.


Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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