Asian Spectator

Former Amex Heavyweight Pierric Beckert Joins RewardPay Board of Directors to Drive Expansion

  • Written by PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

SYDNEY, May 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- RewardPay Pty Ltd, a leading Australian Business-to-Business payments & loyalty company, today announced the appointment of Pierric Beckert to its board. Beckert, former President of American Express Global Network Services and Chairman of American Express China, brings extensive experience and leadership in payments and loyalty to the growing company.

Pierric Beckert is joining RewardPay to drive expansion Pierric Beckert is joining RewardPay to drive expansion

Beckert's appointment comes at a pivotal moment for RewardPay, following a period of rapid expansion and strategic partnerships. Recently, RewardPay expanded its operations to New Zealand and forged a significant partnership with Qantas, allowing it's Australian customers to earn Qantas points with every payment processed through RewardPay.

With a distinguished career at American Express, including roles such as Global Head of Loyalty, President of Europe, Middle East, and Africa, and Managing Director of American Express Australia & New Zealand, Beckert brings invaluable expertise to RewardPay. His tenure in Australia notably included spearheading American Express's successful foray into the B2B payments sector.

"I am delighted to join the talented and experienced team at RewardPay. I have been impressed by the execution excellence of the team, its strong customer values, and its robust growth. Mark has built a tremendous platform and a loyal customer base, with significant opportunities for further expansion," said Beckert.

Mark Dawes, CEO of RewardPay, expressed his enthusiasm for Beckert's appointment, stating, "It was crucial for us to find someone with exceptional payments and loyalty experience, both domestically and internationally. Pierric's proven track record of leadership, innovation, and operational excellence makes him an ideal addition to our board. We are thrilled to welcome him to RewardPay."

About RewardPay:

RewardPay Pty Ltd is a leading Business-to-Business payments and loyalty company based in Australia. RewardPay facilitates convenient, cashflow-friendly payments to suppliers while providing businesses with loyalty benefits. By bridging traditional B2B payment methods with modern technology, RewardPay aims to bring the world of B2B payments into the 21st century.

Authors: PR Newswire Asia - Asian Spectator

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