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Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip Sold Out in Singapore

  • Written by Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

SINGAPORE - Media OutReach[1] - 14 February 2020 - Samsung Electronics Singapore announced that the highly-anticipated, category-bending Galaxy Z Flip has sold out on the Samsung Online Store within one hour of its release this morning.

Samsung's Galaxy Z Flip Sold Out in Singapore

(Pictured in red): Han Li, 35, one of the first customers to get his hands on the Galaxy Z Flip in Singapore at the Samsung Experience Store VivoCity

"We are delighted by the overwhelming response towards Galaxy Z Flip in Singapore, which also reflects a strong demand for the foldable form factor. We know that our customers are always seeking out unique experiences that suit their lifestyle, and we see Galaxy Z Flip resonating well with local consumers as it offers an innovative, stylish and bold mobile experience. The team is working hard to bring in more Galaxy Z Flip to meet consumer demand for the device," said Sarah Chua, Vice-President, IT and Mobile, Samsung Electronics Singapore.


"I am glad to be one of the first in Singapore and even Southeast Asia to get my hands on the Galaxy Z Flip. I especially like the foldable experience which is nostalgic for me. The build quality and beautiful design stood out and I appreciate that Samsung has used a thin glass screen for the phone. I'm also very excited to start using my first ever Samsung phone", said Han Li, a 35-year-old Engineer who purchased his device today.


HR Executive, Ng Yong Kiat, 35, shared, "I am happy to be one of the first to get my hands on the Galaxy Z Flip. I particularly like the beautiful design and compact foldable experience. I'm getting the phone for my wife for Valentine's Day and I'm sure she will love it!"


Available in two colour variants: Mirror Purple and Mirror Black, the Galaxy Z Flip is priced at the recommended retail price of $1,998 (including GST). New stock is expected to be available on Samsung Online Store from February 16, 8am.

More information is available at the following URL:

For more information about the Galaxy Z Flip, please visit:[2].


  1. ^ Media OutReach (
  2. ^ (

Authors: Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.

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